How does Hibernate handle transaction management?

How does Hibernate handle transaction management?

Example of Transaction Management in Hibernate

  1. Session session = null;
  2. Transaction tx = null;
  3. try {
  4. session = sessionFactory.openSession();
  5. tx = session.beginTransaction();
  6. //some action.
  7. tx.commit();
  8. }catch (Exception ex) {

What can be done to complete a transaction in hibernate?

A Transaction is a sequence of operation which works as an atomic unit. A transaction only completes if all the operations completed successfully. A transaction has the Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability properties (ACID).

How to perform transaction management in spring with Hibernate and annotations?

To perform transaction management within the database using Spring Framework with Hibernate and Annotations, we need an access to the source code to edit it and add @Transactional Annotation to class and methods involved in performing the transaction operations.

What is hibernate Transaction Interface?

Transaction Interface in Hibernate. In hibernate framework, we have Transaction interface that defines the unit of work. It maintains abstraction from the transaction implementation (JTA,JDBC). A transaction is associated with Session and instantiated by calling session.beginTransaction().

What is atomicity in hibernate?

In such case, if one step fails, the whole transaction fails (which is termed as atomicity). A transaction can be described by ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability). In hibernate framework, we have Transaction interface that defines the unit of work.

Is it better to rollback the transaction in hibernate?

In hibernate, it is better to rollback the transaction if any exception occurs, so that resources can be free. Let’s see the example of transaction management in hibernate.