Can high cholesterol cause erection issues?

Can high cholesterol cause erection issues?

The side effects of high cholesterol in men can lead to erectile dysfunction. The higher your LDL levels the more likely to develop erection problems and severe cases lead to impotence. Also, high cholesterol can make the body more difficult to produce the necessary chemicals to create an erection.

Can lowering cholesterol improve erections?

Analysis of all 11 studies combined found a statistically significant effect of statins on erectile function in men who had both high cholesterol and erectile dysfunction. Overall, erectile function scores increased by 3.4 points in men who took statins (from 14.0 to 17.4, a 24.3 percent increase).

Can you take Viagra if you have high cholesterol?

They are only prescribed when someone has an increased risk of atherosclerosis-related heart disease. If you take drugs such as Viagra or Cialis for ED, these should not interact with statins. The best way to help erectile dysfunction is to avoid it by keeping cholesterol in check with diet and exercise.

Does high triglycerides affect erectile dysfunction?

High Triglycerides Predicts Arteriogenic Erectile Dysfunction and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Subjects With Sexual Dysfunction.

Can high cholesterol cause male infertility?

Some animal studies revealed that high cholesterol diet can impair fertility and lower sperm quality.

Can high triglycerides cause impotence?

Do statins cause impotence?

Despite what you might have heard, statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs) like atorvastatin, simvastatin, and rosuvastatin do not cause ED. Men with ED who take statins for high cholesterol actually see a 25% improvement in self-reported erectile function.

Does high cholesterol lower testosterone?

While more research is still needed on the topic, studies are finding that high cholesterol levels are linked to low testosterone. There are even more studies that suggest testosterone replacement therapies designed to treat low T can be linked to healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

How do men lower cholesterol?


  1. Eat heart-healthy foods. A few changes in your diet can reduce cholesterol and improve your heart health:
  2. Exercise on most days of the week and increase your physical activity. Exercise can improve cholesterol.
  3. Quit smoking.
  4. Lose weight.
  5. Drink alcohol only in moderation.

Can a man with high cholesterol get a woman pregnant?

Couples with highest cholesterol took longest to achieve pregnancy. High cholesterol levels may impair fertility in couples trying to achieve a pregnancy, according to a study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health, the University at Buffalo (New York), and Emory University in Atlanta.

Is sperm high in cholesterol?

The cholesterol content of human seminal plasma has been estimated in 200 samples. The mean concentration is 46·8mg./100ml. (s.e.m.±1·1, range 15–88). The free cholesterol corresponds to about 40% of the total.

Can high cholesterol cause erectile dysfunction?

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance. Too much bad cholesterol (also known as LDL) in the bloodstream creates arterial plaque that damages and blocks blood flow. These blockages will result to inadequate circulation of blood throughout the system including the penis and genital area. As a result, erection problems occur.

How does high cholesterol affect a man’s sex life?

The effects of high cholesterol in men can have a negative impact on a man’s sexual life. Why does high cholesterol lead to erectile dysfunction? High cholesterol and erectile dysfunction are seemingly unrelated conditions that actually go hand in hand.

Can lowering cholesterol reverse erectile dysfunction?

Lower cholesterol levels can help reverse erectile dysfunction. However, some men taking lipid lowering pills face difficulty in achieving an erection for the meantime. As a result, erection problems occur. What are the Side Effects of High Cholesterol in Men?

What is cholesterol and how does it affect the penis?

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance. Too much bad cholesterol (also known as LDL) in the bloodstream creates arterial plaque that damages and blocks blood flow. These blockages will result to inadequate circulation of blood throughout the system including the penis and genital area.