Do people with light eyes have a higher alcohol tolerance?

Do people with light eyes have a higher alcohol tolerance?

According to a new study from researchers at the University of Vermont, people with light-colored eyes like blue, green, grey and brown in the center but light around the edges have a higher rate of alcohol dependency compared to individuals with darker eyes.

Do blue eyed people have higher tolerance for alcohol?

According to several recent studies, eye color is a pretty good indicator of alcohol tolerance (along with pain tolerance, risk for diabetes, and hand-eye coordination). Congratulations, blue eyed drinkers, you can hold your liquor better than your dark eyed peers.

Can eye color affect alcohol tolerance?

Melanin could also be the reason why people with darker eyes are more susceptible to alcohol. Because darker eyed individuals are more susceptible to alcohol, they do not need to drink as much to feel the effects.

Why do people with blue eyes have better alcohol tolerance?

Why might having blue eyes put one at higher risk for alcohol dependency than having brown eyes? One possible explanation is that a gene lying near the OCA2 gene on chromosome 15 carries a mutation that leads to increased alcohol tolerance, and thus a tendency to drink too much.

Do blue eyes see better in the dark?

While blue eyes are more sensitive to light during the day, people with blue eyes tend to see better at night – unless there are bright lights. In that case, the lack of melanin makes them as sensitive to light at night as they are during the day.

What eye Colour has the highest alcohol tolerance?

It’s not the first time scientists have looked at the eye’s association with alcohol. A 2000 study also noted that people with lighter eyes are “more likely than dark-eyed individuals to abuse alcohol.” That study suggested the higher consumption was linked with greater alcohol tolerance among people with light eyes.

Is there a relationship between eye color and alcohol tolerance?

While a relationship between eye color and tolerance to alcohol may exist, the topic is far less clear than a meme suggests. People with blue eyes have the highest tolerance for alcohol.

Do light-eyed people drink more alcohol?

In both samples, the researchers reported, “individuals with light eyes … consumed significantly more alcohol than individuals with dark eyes.” This, they argued, supported Worthy’s alcoholism hypothesis:

How does the OCA2 gene affect eye color?

The OCA2 gene … has a major impact on eye color by producing a protein that controls melanin formation and processing. The more OCA2 activity in the iris melanocytes, the darker the eye color … Why might having blue eyes put one at higher risk for alcohol dependency than having brown eyes?

Are blue eyes a biological marker for alcohol consumption?

Results showed that among males and females, irrespective of age, participants with blue eyes had a higher BAC than the others … This ecological result suggests that iris pigmentation represents a biological marker for underlying factors involved in higher alcohol consumption.