Do you need an appointment for North Syracuse DMV?

Do you need an appointment for North Syracuse DMV?

You MUST have a reservation and follow all safety and social distancing guidelines to complete in-person transactions. If the service you seek is offered online, please complete it online.

What is the least busy DMV day?

The best days to visit the DMV are the middle of the week (Wednesday or Thursday) and in the middle of the month. Since most vehicle registrations expire at the end of the month, you can expect that there will be long lines during the first and last weeks.

How do I make an appointment at the Syracuse DMV?

For a list of DMV offices, transactions, and to make an appointment at your local branch, visit

Is NY DMV open on Martin Luther King Day?

All DMV offices are closed on the following days: Monday, January 17 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Monday, February 21 – Presidents’ Day.

Is the DMV open on Veterans Day?

Veterans Day: Wednesday, November 11: Closed. Login to post photos of this Office! Have a tip about this DMV? Post a Tip Reading your states driving manual is a great way to stay up to date on current Laws and Fees.

What are the hours for the CDL test?

Please call before visiting. Written permit testing offered 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. // CDL general knowledge written tests: 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. // CDL endorsement written knowledge tests and escort vehicle tests: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. // Oral tests are the same time as corresponding tests. // CDL oral test by appointment only.

How to contact the Department of motor vehicles for assistance?

1-Persons with speech or hearing impairments can call, toll free: 800-368-4327 for assistance on DMV services. Only typed messages from another TTY are received and responded to at this number. 2-The Department of Motor Vehicles provides interpreters, including American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters, at no cost to the customer.

How to contact the California DMV for ASL services?

For the California Relay Telephone Service from TDD phones, call 1-800-735-2929 or, from voice phones, call 1-800-735-2922 for assistance in contacting DMV and making arrangements for an ASL interpreter. 3- Your service animal may accompany you into the DMV Office.