How do I change my zsh command prompt?

How do I change my zsh command prompt?

If you are running ZSH for the first time, a prompt will ask you to configure the . zshrc configuration. You can select the default configuration by pressing 2. If you haven’t done any ZSH configuration, the prompt will be in the form of username@hostname, the current working directory, and then the prompt symbol.

What is a zsh prompt?

Typically, the default zsh prompt carries information like the username, machine name, and location starting in the user’s home directory. These details are stored in the zsh shell’s system file at the /etc/zshrc location. PS1=”%n@%m %1~ %#” In this string of variables: %n is the username of your account.

How do I change the prompt on my Mac terminal?

How to Change Your Terminal Prompt Name on macOS

  1. Open a new Terminal window and type cd ~/ to go to your Home directory.
  2. Type ls -la and look for a file called . bash_profile .
  3. Now open your . bash_profile file with his command: open -e .
  4. Add this line export PS1=”$ ” and save it.
  5. Quit and restart your Terminal.

How do I customize my zsh theme?

Create and install a custom theme in just 3 easy steps!

  1. Create a .zsh-theme file in that directory and write your theme using the guide below.
  2. Set ZSH_THEME=your-theme-name in your ~/.zshrc file.
  3. $ source ~/.zshrc in your terminal to refresh your zsh profile.

How do you change command prompt name?

How to Change Computer Name via CMD

  1. Open CMD. Press “Start” and type “cmd”, then click “Run as administrator” next to the “Command Prompt” entry.
  2. Enter the change computer name CMD command. In Command Prompt, type the following and press “Enter”: wmic computersystem where name=”%computername%” call rename=”YOUR-NEW-NAME”

How do I change my zsh theme Mac?

terminal file and go to your Terminal Preferences > Profiles and import it as a new profile. Then select Default to make it your default theme.

How do I use prompt in zsh?

I am going to use PROMPT. The default prompt in zsh is %m%#. The %m shows the first element of the hostname, the %# shows a # when the current prompt has super-user privileges (e.g. after a sudo -s) and otherwise the % symbol (the default zsh prompt symbol). The zsh default prompt is far shorter than the bash default, but even less useful.

What is the difference between Bash and zsh?

The basic zsh prompt configuration works similar to bash, even though it uses a different syntax. The different placeholders are described in detail in the zsh manual. zsh uses the same shell variable PS1 to store the default prompt.

What is the “format” used for MY Z-shell prompt?

The “format” used for your Z-Shell prompt is stored in an environment variable called: PROMPT. Note: zsh uses the environment variable PS1 for the prompt definition. The environment variable PROMPT, which we’ll use here, is a synonym for that. So in some articles you’ll see reference to PS1 and in others PROMPT is being used.

What are the different placeholders in zsh?

The different placeholders are described in detail in the zsh manual. zsh uses the same shell variable PS1 to store the default prompt. However, the variable names PROMPT and prompt are synonyms for PS1 and you will see either of those three being used in various examples. I am going to use PROMPT. The default prompt in zsh is %m%#.