How do I create a database project in Visual Studio 2012?

How do I create a database project in Visual Studio 2012?

Open Visual Studio and create a new Database Project….5.4 Create a Publish Profile

  1. Enter the Database Name. With this name the database will be created.
  2. Click Edit to open the Connection Properties window.
  3. Select your Server.
  4. Save the Profile.
  5. Click Publish to publish you Database Project.

How do I create a SQL project?

Create a new project and add it to a solution

  1. In Solution Explorer, select the solution.
  2. On the File menu, point to Add, and click New Project.
  3. In the New Project dialog box, click a type of project. Templates. In the Templates box, select a template.
  4. Click OK.

How do I make a database project?

To create a new project and import existing database schema

  1. Click File, New, then Project.
  2. Change the name of the project to TradeDev and click OK to create the new project.
  3. Right-click the newly created TradeDev project in Solution Explorer, select Import, then Database.

How do you connect a database to a project?

In the SQL Connect window, click Create from an existing database project. The Create from an existing database project dialog box is displayed: Click Browse and specify the location of your database project or folder. For SQL Server Database Projects, this is the folder containing the project file.

How do I create a database script in Visual Studio?

Create Scripts

  1. Open the Server Explorer and right-click on the item for which you want to generate the script.
  2. Select the Generate Create Script menu item from the context menu displayed.
  3. If you select a specific database object, the Generate Create Scripts dialog box appears, configured for only that object.

How do I write a SQL project on my resume?

Resume example 1: Entry-level SQL Developer

  1. Excellent understanding of database principles, structures, theories and practices.
  2. Strong SQL development skills.
  3. Ability to develop applications.
  4. Great communication skills.
  5. Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.