How do I customize my CKEditor toolbar?

How do I customize my CKEditor toolbar?

The simplest way to configure the toolbar is to use the dedicated toolbar configurator that is available in each editor installation package starting from CKEditor 4.5. The editor instance below was configured by using the accessible “toolbar groups” approach, with some unwanted buttons removed by setting the config.

Where do I put CKEditor config?

Defining Configuration In-Page The best way to set the CKEditor 4 configuration is in-page, when creating editor instances. This method lets you avoid modifying the original distribution files in the CKEditor 4 installation folder, making the upgrade task easier.

How do I add codes to CKEditor?

When the Code Snippet plugin is enabled, the button is automatically added to the toolbar. Once clicked, it opens the Code snippet dialog window that lets you add a piece of code and set the programming language it is written in.

How do I change CKEditor height?

The CKEDITOR. config. height option sets the height of the editing area with CKEditor 4 content — it does not include the toolbar or the bottom bar. This configuration option accepts an integer (to denote a value in pixels) or any CSS-defined length unit except percent ( % ) values which are not supported.

How do I add plugins to Ckeditor?

The easiest method is to visit the online builder page and find the plugins that you wish to have in the Available Plugins list on the right.

  1. Drag the plugins that you want to add to the Selected Plugins list on the left.
  2. Through Add-on Repository.

What is CKEditor replace?

Ckeditor 4 allows you to replace multiple textareas with editors based on classname: CKEDITOR.

How do I enable source in CKEditor?

To enable this plugin, basically add extraPlugins: ‘sourcedialog’ to editor’s config: // Inline editor. CKEDITOR. inline( ‘editable’, { extraPlugins: ‘sourcedialog’ }); // Classic (iframe-based) editor.

How do I use CKEditor video plugin?

Enable the plugin and it’s dependencies by using the extraPlugins configurations setting in the config. js file: config….You can:

  1. Use a video file that is hosted on another website using its URL.
  2. Use a video file that is already on your server.
  3. Upload a video file to your server and use it.

How do I set the CKEditor 4 configuration?

The best way to set the CKEditor 4 configuration is in-page, when creating editor instances. This method lets you avoid modifying the original distribution files in the CKEditor 4 installation folder, making the upgrade task easier. In-page settings can be passed to any of the editor instance creation functions, namely replace and appendTo.

How do I add a custom CSS file to CKEditor?

The most convenient way is to use the the CKEDITOR.editor.addContentsCss method introduced in CKEditor 4.4. This method adds the specified path to the CKEDITOR.config.contentsCss setting and causes the styles to be loaded automatically by the editor.

What is dataindentationchars in CKEditor?

CKEDITOR. config. dataIndentationChars = ‘ ‘; The language to be used if the language setting is left empty and it is not possible to localize the editor to the user language. Read more in the documentation and see the example. A setting that stores CSS rules to be injected into the page with styles to be applied to the tooltip element.

How to include stylesheets in a CKEditor plugin?

In such case your plugin can use the CKEDITOR.addCss method which lets you include the stylesheets directly in the plugin JavaScript file, without using separate CSS files. This method has to be called before the editable is set up and only once for all editors.