How do I fix putty fatal error no supported authentication methods available?

How do I fix putty fatal error no supported authentication methods available?

It worked for me after I did the following steps :

  1. Download Puttygen (
  2. Open PUttyGen and then Load the private key from :
  3. save the new private key with a new name.
  4. Open Putty, go to Connection > SSH > Auth > and add the new private key.

How do I fix disconnected No supported authentication methods available server sent Publickey?

23 Answers

  1. Download putty and puttygen, or the putty package and install it.
  2. Get the . pem file from your AWS EC2 instance.
  3. Use puttygen to convert the .
  4. In putty, use [email protected], and load the private key at SSH/Auth.

How do I use a public key in PuTTY?

How to use public key authentication in PuTTY

  1. Create a public and private key pair if you don’t already have one.
  2. Copy your public key to server’s authorized_keys file.
  3. Launch PuTTY.
  4. Enter connection details such as Host Name / IP address and port.
  5. Navigate to Connection → SSH → Auth from the sidebar menu.

What is OpenSSH public key format?

The OpenSSH public key format The public key saved by ssh-keygen is written in the so-called SSH-format, which is not a standard in the cryptography world. It’s structure is ALGORITHM KEY COMMENT , where the KEY part of the format is encoded with Base64.

What is PuTTY authentication agent?

Pageant is a PuTTY authentication agent. It holds your private keys in memory so that you can use them whenever you are connecting to a server. It eliminates the need to: Explicitly specify the relevant key to each Linux user account, if you use more than one account to log into a server.

How do I create a key in PuTTY?

Generating an SSH key pair using PuTTY

  1. Start PuTTYgen by clicking Start > Programs > PuTTY > PuTTYgen.
  2. Click SSH-2 RSA as the type of key to generate.
  3. Click Generate and then move the cursor around the blank area of the Key section to generate the random characters that create a unique key.

What file type is Id_rsa?

The id_rsa. pub file is basically some encrypted text in the . ssh folder under the home folder in Linux and is used for public-key cryptography.

How do I change from OpenSSH to RSA?


  1. Open PuTTYgen, choose Key > SSH-2 RSA key, and select RSA in the lower left corner.
  2. Import the private key in OpenSSH format to PuTTYgen. Choose Conversions > Import key, select the private key in OpenSSH format, and open it.
  3. Choose Conversions > Export OpenSSH key, name and save the file.

How do I open pageant EXE?

If you click the Pageant icon with the right mouse button, you will see a menu. Select ‘View Keys’ from this menu. The Pageant main window will appear. (You can also bring this window up by double-clicking on the Pageant icon.)

How to fix tortoise Git lost puttykey?

In my case, Tortoise Git lost PuttyKey. So I had to go to TortoiseGit settings > Git > Remote and in this section I clicked on Remote frame my origin and PuttyK Key was not set (It was before). I had to set it up again.

Why is TortoiseGit not showing up in my systray?

Make sure you installed TortoiseGit with OpenSSH and that you use the SSH authentication method. If you installed with Putty, there may be a “computer symbol” in the systray called “Putty Pageant”.

Does TortoiseGit work on https?

But setting TortoiseGit up this way was always hair-pullingly painful. Every time it took me hours to set up correctly, as the default installation options never seemed to work (even as of 2016, sheesh!). But TortoiseGit now has better password management for HTTPS, and Github actually recommends using HTTPS URLs wherever possible.

How to fix “no supported authentication methods available (server sent publickey)?

This: “No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)” happened to me after I turned on Microsoft One Drive backup and sync for my files including the directory where I save my ssh key. In my case the solution is simple: just go to Putty => SSH => Auth and just (re)browse again to my same key and save, then it worked.