How do you calculate SUM of salary in SQL?

How do you calculate SUM of salary in SQL?

Example – With Single Expression SELECT SUM(salary) AS “Total Salary” FROM employees WHERE salary > 25000; In this SQL SUM Function example, we’ve aliased the SUM(salary) expression as “Total Salary”. As a result, “Total Salary” will display as the field name when the result set is returned.

Can SQL do calculations?

Solution. Yes – SQL Server can perform basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. So if you need some of those basic building blocks those are available and we will walk through some examples in this tip. In addition, SQL Server can calculate SUM, COUNT, AVG, etc.

Can we multiply 2 columns in SQL?

All you need to do is use the multiplication operator (*) between the two multiplicand columns ( price * quantity ) in a simple SELECT query. You can give this result an alias with the AS keyword; in our example, we gave the multiplication column an alias of total_price .

Can you do calculations in SQL?

Yes – SQL Server can perform basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. So if you need some of those basic building blocks those are available and we will walk through some examples in this tip. In addition, SQL Server can calculate SUM, COUNT, AVG, etc.

How can find maximum salary and name in SQL?

Try using this SQL SELECT statement: SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id=30 AND salary = (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees WHERE department_id=30); This will return the employee information for only the employee in department 30 that has the highest salary.

Why is index important in SQL?

One of the most important routes to high performance in a SQL Server database is the index. Indexes speed up the querying process by providing swift access to rows in the data tables, similarly to the way a book’s index helps you find information quickly within that book.

How to use the sum () function in SQL?

We can use the SUM () function in SQL to calculate the total value of the columns of the tables or the total of expressions that involve column values and even calculate the total value of columns in the grouped manner using GROUP BY statement. This is a guide to SQL SUM ().

What is SumTotal learn?

An LMS that engages learners and grows capabilities. SumTotal Learn is the industry’s most comprehensive learning management system (LMS), supporting a wide variety of learning delivery including instructor-led training, certification programs, informal/external learning, and virtual classrooms through an intuitive and personalized experience.

How to calculate a subtotal in SQL query?

In order to calculate a subtotal in SQL query, we can use the ROLLUP extension of the GROUP BY statement. The ROLLUP extension allows us to generate hierarchical subtotal rows according to its input columns and it also adds a grand total row to the result set.

How do you sum all distinct values in SQL?

SUM ( [ALL | DISTINCT ] expression) Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) In this syntax: ALL instructs the SUM () function to return the sum of all values including duplicates. ALL is used by default. DISTINCT instructs the SUM () function to calculate the sum of the only distinct values.