How do you center text on Tumblr description?

How do you center text on Tumblr description?

5. Click to place the cursor in the space immediately before the block of text you want to center, and type “” before the text.

How do you center posts on Tumblr theme?

  1. Navigate to the customization page for your Tumblr blog at
  2. Click “Edit HTML” under the thumbnail of your current Tumblr theme.
  3. Add the “style” attribute to the tag.
  4. Insert “text-align:center;” into the style attribute:

How do you centralize text?

Center the text vertically between the top and bottom margins

  1. Select the text that you want to center.
  2. On the Layout or Page Layout tab, click the Dialog Box Launcher.
  3. In the Vertical alignment box, click Center.
  4. In the Apply to box, click Selected text, and then click OK.

How do you center text a picture on Tumblr?

  1. Compose your text post and upload your images as normal, and then click the “HTML” button.
  2. Repeat the process with any other image you want to center, and then click “Publish.”

How do I center text in HTML5?

Description. The HTML tag is used to center the text horizontally in the HTML document. Since this tag was removed in HTML5, it is recommended that you use the CSS text-align property to format the text horizontally in the document. This tag is also commonly referred to as the element.

How to center text in a post using CSS?

For instance you can center text by enclosing it in a tag. This is a generic HTML tag which you can use in any HTML document anywhere. In this case the HTML document is your post. The CSS code from above has the same effect, but through a different route.

How do I center text on my rich text?

This will remove a lot of pre-formatting (e.g. paragraph splitting) that Tumblr does to your text in the default rich text editor, but it also means you have more control over how your text looks. For instance you can center text by enclosing it in a tag. This is a generic HTML tag which you can use in any HTML document anywhere.

What is a centertag in HTML?

The centertag is generic HTML, but p.centerwas created by you for your own use. What you’ve done there is defined a method in your theme which you can invoke at will.

How can I Make my text look better on Tumblr?

You can do it directly by, say, changing your text editor from your Dashboard settings to a simple HTML editor. This will remove a lot of pre-formatting (e.g. paragraph splitting) that Tumblr does to your text in the default rich text editor, but it also means you have more control over how your text looks.