How do you pronounce Pyuria?

How do you pronounce Pyuria?

Phonetic spelling of pyuria

  1. py-uria.
  2. pyuri-a. Chandni D’Alia.
  3. pahy-yoo r-ee-uh. Oliver Kunze.

How do you pronounce Nephropexy?

  1. Phonetic spelling of nephropexy. neph-ropexy. nephropexy.
  2. Meanings for nephropexy.
  3. Translations of nephropexy. Russian : нефропексия

What is a pyuria mean?

Pyuria is defined as the presence of 10 or more white cells per cubic millimeter in a urine specimen, 3 or more white cells per high-power field of unspun urine, a positive result on Gram’s staining of an unspun urine specimen, or a urinary dipstick test that is positive for leukocyte esterase.

What is the term for painful urination?

Painful urination (dysuria) is discomfort or burning with urination, usually felt in the tube that carries urine out of your bladder (urethra) or the area surrounding your genitals (perineum).

How do you pronounce uremia?

Phonetic spelling of uraemia

  1. u-raemia.
  2. uraemi-a. Osbaldo Weber.
  3. yoo-ree-mee-uh. Phumzile Brits.
  4. ur-aemia. Bulelwa Makhanya.

How do you pronounce oliguria?

  1. Phonetic spelling of oliguria. olig-uri-a. o-lig-uria.
  2. Meanings for oliguria. Oliguria arises when an infant’s urine output is below normal.
  3. Synonyms for oliguria. urination.
  4. Translations of oliguria. Hindi : पेशाब की कमी

What does Hepatocele mean?

[ hĭ-păt′ə-sēl′, hĕp′ə-tō- ] n. Hernial protrusion of part of the liver through the abdominal wall or through the diaphragm.

How do you pronounce bronchiectasis phonetically?

  1. Phonetic spelling of bronchiectasis. bronchiec-ta-sis.
  2. Meanings for bronchiectasis. It is a condition that damages the lung’s airways and makes it harder to breathe.
  3. Examples of in a sentence. 2 at Maine General Medical Center in Augusta of bronchiectasis, a condition that damages the airways.
  4. Translations of bronchiectasis.

Is a suprapubic catheter the same as an Cystostomy?

The use of a cystostomy tube, also known as a suprapubic catheter, is one of the less invasive means of urinary diversion and can be used both temporarily and in the long term.

What is the meaning of lithotripter?

medical Definition of lithotripter. : a device for performing lithotripsy; especially : a noninvasive device that pulverizes calculi by focusing shock waves on a patient immersed in a water bath.

What is an intracorporeal lithotripter?

An intracorporeal lithotripter. It is a fluid-filled device that uses electrically generated shock waves next to stones to fragment them. A lithotripter that fragments stones by applying photothermal energy. An endoscope is inserted through the urethra into the bladder, ureter, or renal pelvis and is placed alongside the stone.

What is a shock wave lithotripter?

It is a fluid-filled device that uses electrically generated shock waves next to stones to fragment them. A lithotripter that fragments stones by applying photothermal energy. An endoscope is inserted through the urethra into the bladder, ureter, or renal pelvis and is placed alongside the stone.

What is a lithotripsy machine?

: a device for performing lithotripsy especially : a noninvasive device that pulverizes stones by focusing shock waves on a patient immersed in a water bath.