How far is it from Stansted Airport to Cambridge?

How far is it from Stansted Airport to Cambridge?

Travelling from Cambridge to London Stansted Airport There are many ways you can make the 31-mile journey from Cambridge to Stansted Airport, including trains, coaches, taxis and by car.

How long does it take to get to Cambridge by coach?

Coach from London to Cambridge

London to Cambridge journey information
Fastest journey time 1hr 35 mins (from London Stratford)
Distance (approx) 106km
No. of stops 0 (fastest service, other services may vary)

How do you pay on Cambridge buses?

The Cambridgeshire bus fleet has been upgraded. It means that passengers no longer need to pay for their bus travel with cash, but can ‘wave and pay’ using speedy contactless credit or debit cards as well as Apple Pay and Android Pay.

How do you use the bus in Cambridge?

For most buses in Cambridge, you buy bus tickets from the driver. Park & Ride bus tickets may be bought from machines in the Park & Ride carparks, or from the bus driver. If you travel on the Busway (guided bus), for some stops you have to buy tickets from ticket machines near the stop.

Does Cambridge UK have an airport?

Situated close to its historic centre and high-tech business parks, Cambridge City Airport is the ideal gateway to one of the UK’s most famous and thriving cities.

Is the a bus between Oxford and Cambridge?

Is there a direct bus between Oxford and Cambridge? No, there is no direct bus from Oxford to Cambridge. However, there are services departing from Oxford City Centre, Queens Lane and arriving at Cambridge Parkside via Heathrow Airport London T5.

What London station goes to Cambridge?

What London station goes to Cambridge? Greater Anglia operates fast and frequent services to Cambridge from London Liverpool Street Station.

How much is bus pass in Cambridge?

Season prices:

Adult Price / Day
7-days £14.50 £2.90
Month £50.50 £2.53
Quarter £141.00 £2.35
Annual £534.50 £2.23

Can I use Oyster card in Cambridge?

Oystercards & Travelcards are for travel within London. Neither Cambridge nor Epsom are within London, so you’ll have pay for travel to/from London separately.

Does Cambridge have buses?

Bus. 92% of Cambridge residents live within walking distance of 30-minute transit service.

Is Cambridge Airport controlled?

Marshall of Cambridge Aerospace Limited has a CAA Public Use Aerodrome Licence (Number P433) that allows flights for the public transport of passengers or for flying instruction….

Cambridge City Airport
Airport type Public
Operator Marshall Aerospace