How to connect ASP NET app to Azure SQL database?

How to connect ASP NET app to Azure SQL database?

1 Create a database in Azure SQL Database 2 Connect an ASP.NET app to SQL Database 3 Deploy the app to Azure 4 Update the data model and redeploy the app 5 Stream logs from Azure to your terminal 6 Manage the app in the Azure portal

How do I create a database in Azure SQL?

In the Azure SQL Database dialog, keep the default generated Database Name. Select Create and wait for the database resources to be created. When the wizard finishes creating the database resources, click Next. In the Database connection string Name, type MyDbConnection.

How do I publish a DotNet project to Azure?

Publish to Azure with SQL Database. In the Solution Explorer, right-click your DotNetAppSqlDb project and select Publish. Make sure that Microsoft Azure App Service is selected and click Publish. Publishing opens the Create App Service dialog, which helps you create all the Azure resources you need to run your ASP.NET app in Azure.

How do I manage a new Azure database in Visual Studio?

Visual Studio lets you explore and manage your new database in Azure easily in the SQL Server Object Explorer. The new database already opened its firewall to the App Service app that you created, but to access it from your local computer (such as from Visual Studio), you must open a firewall for your local machine’s public IP address.

How to connect dotnetappsqldb to Azure App service?

The connection string name is used later in the tutorial to connect the Azure app to an Azure SQL Database. In the Solution Explorer, right-click your DotNetAppSqlDb project and select Publish. Select Azure as your target and click Next. Make sure that Azure App Service (Windows) is selected and click Next.

How do I work with SQL in ASP NET Core?

Work with SQL in ASP.NET Core. The MvcMovieContext object handles the task of connecting to the database and mapping Movie objects to database records. The database context is registered with the Dependency Injection container in the ConfigureServices method in the Startup.cs file: The ASP.NET Core Configuration system reads the ConnectionString.

How do I display data from a database in ASP NET?

Displaying Data from a Database Once you’ve got a database with data in it, you can display the data in an ASP.NET web page. To select the table rows to display, you use a SQL statement, which is a command that you pass to the database. In the left pane, click the Files workspace.