How to use the report viewer in Visual Studio 2012?

How to use the report viewer in Visual Studio 2012?

In this article I explain how to use the Report Viewer in Visual Studio 2012. In this article we will see use of a dataset and the Report Viewer. Step 1: Open Visual Studio 2012 or 2010 then create a new Forms Application (project name: “HowToOpenReportViewer”). Step 3: We need to create a dataset.

What is Visual Studio Express 2012 for web?

It features a streamlined interface that focuses on providing the tools that you need for creating web applications. All the features of Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web are also available in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.

How do I get the ReportViewer DLL?

On the .NET Framework Components, select Browse. Select the Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms.dll or Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms.dll from the NuGet package you installed. The NuGet package will be installed in the solution directory of your project.

How to use a dataset with the report viewer?

In this article we will see use of a dataset and the Report Viewer. Step 1: Open Visual Studio 2012 or 2010 then create a new Forms Application (project name: “HowToOpenReportViewer”). Step 3: We need to create a dataset. How? Right-click on the HowToOpenReportViewer project then select “Add” >> “New Item” then select “DataSet”.

What are the data controls in Visual Studio Express 2012 for web?

Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web also supports various data controls that you can add to ASP.NET webpages to display data. These include the GridView, DetailsView, FormView, ListView, DataList, and Repeater controls. Each of these controls enables you to present data in different ways.

What is countrows in SQL Server?

( String) The name of a dataset, data region, or group that contains the report items to count. ( Enumerated Type) Optional. Simple (default) or RdlRecursive. Specifies whether to perform the aggregation recursively. Returns an Integer. CountRows counts all rows in the specified scope, including rows that have null values.