What are the two largest tectonic plates?

What are the two largest tectonic plates?

A List of Major and Minor Plates By Size

Rank Tectonic Plate Size (Square Km)
1 Pacific Plate 103,300,000
2 North American Plate 75,900,000
3 Eurasian Plate 67,800,000
4 African Plate 61,300,000

Where are the largest tectonic plates located?

the Pacific Ocean
Pacific Plate Pacific major plate is the largest which underlies the Pacific Ocean. Specifically, it stretches all the way along the west coast of North America to the east coast of Japan and Indonesia.

Where do 2 tectonic plates meet?

plate boundaries
Most volcanoes, mountains, and earthquakes occur where plates meet. Places where plates meet are called plate boundaries.

What 2 plate boundaries have the largest magnitude earthquakes?

At convergent plate boundaries, where two continental plates collide earthquakes are deep and also very powerful. In general, the deepest and the most powerful earthquakes occur at plate collision (or subduction) zones at convergent plate boundaries.

What plate is the smallest?

The Juan de Fuca Plate is the smallest of earth’s tectonic plates. It is approximately 250,000 square kilometers. It is located west of Washington…

Where are the tectonic plates located?

In plate tectonics, Earth’s outermost layer, or lithosphere—made up of the crust and upper mantle—is broken into large rocky plates. These plates lie on top of a partially molten layer of rock called the asthenosphere.

What plate boundary shows the sliding of two plates?

A transform plate boundary occurs when two plates slide past each other, horizontally. A well-known transform plate boundary is the San Andreas Fault, which is responsible for many of California’s earthquakes. A single tectonic plate can have multiple types of plate boundaries with the other plates that surround it.

Which plates caused the most earthquakes?

Over 80 per cent of large earthquakes occur around the edges of the Pacific Ocean, an area known as the ‘Ring of Fire’; this where the Pacific plate is being subducted beneath the surrounding plates. The Ring of Fire is the most seismically and volcanically active zone in the world.

What are the two tectonic plates called?

There are two main types of tectonic plates: oceanic and continental. Oceanic – Oceanic plates consist of an oceanic crust called “sima”. Sima is made up primarily of silicon and magnesium (which is where it gets its name). Continental – Continental plates consist of a continental crust called “sial”.

What is the smallest tectonic plate?