What can a shoe print tell an investigator?

What can a shoe print tell an investigator?

Shoeprints can be analyzed to determine the suspects’ type, size, and brand of shoe, as well as individual characteristics such as wear patterns (patterns that form on a shoe, depending on how the wearer walks) or specific damage (nicks and cuts, etc.)

What is forensic footwear analysis?

Forensic Resources use forensic footprint analysis to obtain vital information during specific crime scene investigations. These include the identification of a footwear manufacturer, model and shoe size to help profile witness, suspect and victims at a crime scene.

What are forensic examiners looking for on a suspect’s shoe?

Examiners search questioned footwear impressions through these databases to determine the brand and/or model name of the footwear that left an impression at the crime scene. This investigative information may potentially lead to the suspect of the particular crime.

What is a latent shoe impression?

Courtesy of Aubrey Askins, Tacoma Police Department) A latent print is one that is not readily visible to the naked eye. This type is created through static charges between the sole or tread and the surface. Examiners or investigators use powders, chemicals or alternate light sources to find these prints.

What type of evidence is shoe prints?

Footwear impression marks – the mark made by the outside surface of the sole of a shoe (the outsole) – are distinctive patterns often found at crime scenes. They are among the most commonly found evidence at crime scenes and present more frequently than fingerprints. Footwear marks provide valuable forensic evidence.

How do you investigate a footprint?

To make footprints visible, investigators may need to examine surfaces with oblique lighting with the crime scene darkened or may need to use chemicals, such as amido black, or an electrostatic detector device. Once a footprint is discovered, it should be photographed.

What are the 3 techniques for Analysing footwear marks?

To do this, examiners use three main characteristics to analyze the imprints and impressions: class, individual and wear. Class characteristics result from the manufacturing process and are divided into general and limited.

How do you collect evidence from footprints?

These tracks can be collected by photographing, casting, lifting, and/or collecting the clothing from the victim. In the trace evidence section, the tire tracks from the scene can then be compared to tires or known tire impressions from the suspect’s vehicle.

What is the difference between a shoe print and a shoe impression?

Footwear evidence can be found in two forms, impressions and prints. The impression is normally described as a three-dimensional impression, such as an impression in mud or a soft material; and the print is described as a print made on a solid surface by dust, powder, or a similar medium.

How are footwear impressions documented?