What is an objective complement example?

What is an objective complement example?

An objective complement can be a noun. Examples: man, city, book, and courage. Source: Lesson 16 or an adjective. They come before the noun or pronoun they modify. Source: Lesson 151 which follows the direct object.

What is the meaning of objective complement?

Definition of objective complement : a noun, adjective, or pronoun used in the predicate as complement to a verb and as qualifier of its direct object (such as chairman in “we elected him chairman”)

How do you find the objective complement?

An objective complement is a noun or adjective that completes the meaning of the verb and modifies, names, or renames the direct object. (Since these modify, name, or rename direct objects, you’ll only find them in sentences that have direct objects. That also means the sentence will have a transitive active verb.)

What is objective and subjective complement?

An object complement can be a noun or adjective or any word acting as a noun or adjective. Subject complements and object complements fill out and complete our sentences. Object complements provide more detail about the object of a sentence, while subject complements provide information about the subject to a sentence.

What is s TV Io do?

Subject + Transitive Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object ( S – TV – IO – DO ) Next in the list of basic sentence patterns is the S–TV–IO–DO sentence. This type includes a subject, a transitive verb, an indirect object, and a direct object.

What is the difference between appositive and objective complement?

Objective Complement (OC) – a noun, pronoun, or adjective that renames or describes (equals) the direct object. Appositive (App) – a noun or pronoun that renames another noun; An appositive is usually placed next to the noun it renames..

What is the meaning of subjective complement?

A subject complement is a word or phrase (usually an adjective phrase, noun phrase, or pronoun) that follows a linking verb and describes or renames the subject of the sentence. Also called a subjective complement.

What are the four types of complements?

Four types of complements are direct objects, indirect objects, predicate nominative, and predicate adjective. A noun or pronoun that receives the action of a verb or shows the result of that action.

What are the 4 sentence patterns?

There are four types of sentences: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. Each sentence is defined by the use of independent and dependent clauses, conjunctions, and subordinators.

Definition of objective complement. : a noun, adjective, or pronoun used in the predicate as complement to a verb and as qualifier of its direct object (such as chairman in “we elected him chairman”)

What are the common verbs for object complements?

Common Verbs for Object Complements. Object complements require the sentence to have a direct object. Consequently, some verbs more commonly produce object complements than others. Below are some of those verbs with sentence examples. Usually these verbs are those of creating or nominating. to make: They made him supervisor.

What is the predicative complement in Latin from scratch?

In the twenty-first class of the Latin from Scratch course, we’ll study the predicative complement, both referring to the subject and to the direct object. At first it might be hard to spot, but we’ll understand it by practicing.

What is a subject complement in English grammar?

A subject complement, however, gives further meaning to the subject. A subject complement will only follow a linking verb and describes the subject, not the object. Shane made Neil frustrated.