What is art research?

What is art research?

Research that defines art as its object in one way or another is generally called art research. Art can, however, also offer a premise and an aim for research: a motive, a terrain, a context and a whole range of methods. This kind of research is often referred to as “artistic research”.

How do you conduct an art research?

Okay, let’s investigate!

  1. First Steps.
  2. Know the artist’s name?
  3. See a mark or signature you cannot identify?
  4. To learn about the history of a particular artwork, go to Exhibition Guides and Provenance.
  5. If all else fails, try Encyclopedias and Surveys.
  6. How Much Is Your Object Worth?
  7. Want to Research Prints or Find Posters?

Why is research important for artists?

The main purposes of arts-informed research are: to enhance understanding of the complexities of the human condition through alternative processes and representational forms of inquiry; and to reach multiple audiences by making scholarship more accessible.

What should I write in my art research?

The Artist study should include:

  • Title (artists name) and dates of birth and death.
  • Short biography of the artist (information about her life in your own words)
  • Find and print examples of her work that you think relevant to the project.

What is creative research?

Creative research is creative production that produces new knowledge through an interrogation/disruption of form vs. creative production that refines existing knowledge through an adaptation of convention.

What is Julian Klein artistic research?

According to the UNESCO definition, research is “any creative systematic activity undertaken in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this knowledge to devise new applications.” (OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms, 2008).

Why might artists and designers do research?

Social and technological developments occur very fast in society and research based knowledge is an important way to keep up with the developments. Research nurtures the innovative and creative attitudes needed nowadays to face changes and uncertainties in societal development.

How can I write about my art?

Do’s – Best practices to create a successful artist statement

  1. Keep your artist statement short.
  2. Be specific and on the point.
  3. Bring clarity, confidence and focus on your statement.
  4. Write about ‘Why’ you created the artwork.
  5. Use precise details such as where you are from, where you live, your medium and style of work.

What is visual research in art?

Visual research is a qualitative research methodology that relies on the use of artistic mediums to produce and represent knowledge. These artistic mediums include film, photography, drawings, paintings, and sculptures.

What is artistic research PDF?

Artistic research means that the artist produces an art work and researches the creative process, thus adding to the accumulation of knowledge. However, the whole notion of artistic research is a relatively new one, and , indeed, its forms and principles have yet to become firmly established.

How to research an artwork?

Why is this movement important to art history?

  • What characteristics are common to works in this movement?
  • What is the history of this movement?
  • Who are the important artists of the movement?
  • What subsequent movements/artists has this movement and its artists inspired?
  • What is artistic research?

    Artistic research means that the artist produces an art work and researches the creative process, thus adding to the accumulation of knowledge. However, the whole notion of artistic research is a relatively new one, and , indeed, its forms and principles have yet to become firmly established.

    How to research an artist?

    Flexible design makes the most of combining two Hong Kong flats.

  • Sea view Hong Kong apartment gets a contemporary look.
  • ‘Nostalgic,but very now’: flat renovation evokes old Hong Kong.
  • Conference and reception room.
  • Rooftop.
  • Living room,G/F.
  • Office,G/F.
  • Dining room,G/F.
  • Bar,G/F.
  • Reception,G/F.
  • What constitutes art therapy research?

    Introduction. A wide variety of tests are available for the purpose of evaluating individuals with cognitive,developmental,psychological,and/or behavioral disorders.

  • Issues with art therapy assessments.
  • Avenues for improving art therapy assessments.
  • Summary.
  • Conclusion.