What is teenage pregnancy introduction?

What is teenage pregnancy introduction?

Teenage pregnancy, also known as adolescent pregnancy, is pregnancy in a female under the age of 20, according to the WHO. Pregnancy can occur with sexual intercourse after the start of ovulation, which can be before the first menstrual period (menarche) but usually occurs after the onset of periods.

What is teenage pregnancy in a paragraph?

Teenage pregnancy can be defined as pregnancy that occurs in young girls below the age of twenty, regardless of whether they are married or of adult age (Christensen and Rosen 1). Teenage pregnancy has been increasing at an alarming rate especially in the United States, Africa, and United Kingdom.

What can you say about early pregnancy teenage pregnancy?

How does teenage pregnancy affect teen mothers? Teens are at a higher risk for pregnancy-related high blood pressure (preeclampsia) and its complications than average age mothers. Risks for the baby include premature birth and low birth weight. Preeclampsia can also harm the kidneys or even be fatal for mother or baby.

What is the meaning of early pregnancy?

You may feel your body making changes quickly (within the first month of pregnancy) or you may not notice any symptoms at all. Symptoms of early pregnancy can include a missed period, an increased need to urinate, swollen and tender breasts, fatigue, and morning sickness.

What is teenage pregnancy cONCLUSION?

Conclusions. It is known that girls who become pregnant as a teenager will face increased medical risks, and if the pregnancy is taken to term, there are also increased medical risks for their babies. We also know that teenage mothers, and their children, can suffer from poorer life outcomes.

What are the positive effects of teenage pregnancy?

Later British studies came to similar conclusions: teenage motherhood increased self-esteem and provided a sense of security and stability. Mothers had “grown up”, they had found an added impetus in their lives, and were planning or embarking upon further education and employment.

What are the main points of teenage pregnancy?

The social and health implications of teenage pregnancies include increased exposure to domestic violence (which may be exacerbated by the pregnancy), mental health disorders, substance use, sexually transmissible infections (STIs), financial stress and homelessness.

What is teenage pregnancy with reference?

Teenage pregnancy is defined as occurring between thirteen and nineteen years of age. There are, however, girls as young as ten who are sexually active and occasionally become pregnant and give birth. The vast majority of teenage births in the United States occurs among girls between fifteen and nineteen years of age.

What does the media say about teenage pregnancy?

Teens are at a higher risk for pregnancy-related high blood pressure ( preeclampsia) and its complications than average age mothers. Risks for the baby include premature birth and low birth weight. Preeclampsia can also harm the kidneys or even be fatal for mother or baby.

What does the Bible say about teenage pregnancy?

Bible verses related to Teenage Pregnancy from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance – Sort By Book Order . 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 – For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:

What are the pros and cons of teenage pregnancy?

The effects or the impact of the teenage pregnancy will have a nasty influence on the life of the women that it becomes very difficult to come out of it.

  • The society in some countries does not approve of the young teenage mothers and will be very harsh to them.
  • They will not be allowed to live in peace.
  • What are your thoughts on teenage pregnancy?

    what are your thoughts on teenage pregnancy. A 38-year-old member asked: what are your thoughts on teenage pregnancy? Dr. Rahil Malik answered. 10 years experience Obstetrics and Gynecology. Problems: Teenage pregnancy’s account for a growing proportion of pregnancies in the north east. It is a difficult time for the girl who is now a unready