What is Telpas reading?

What is Telpas reading?

TELPAS is the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System. It’s an assessment for English language learners (ELLs) to test language proficiency of K-12 ELLs in four language domains. The domains tested are listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

How long is the Telpas reading?

about 1 ½ -2 hours
Important to Note: Beginning in the 2018 TELPAS administration, the TELPAS reading test will be reduced in length. Students taking the longer reading test only took about 1 ½ -2 hours. Students took only about 1 ½ -2 hours for the listening and speaking test.

How do you read Telpas scores?

The TELPAS comprehension score ranges from 1 to 4. The score is determined from the listening and reading proficiency ratings. To derive the score, the student’s listening and reading ratings are each converted to a number from 1 (Beginning) to 4 (Advanced High).

What kind of assessment is Telpas?

The Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) is an annual assessment for students who have been identified as English learners (ELs). TELPAS assesses English language proficiency in four language domains – listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

What is the purpose of the Telpas?

TELPAS assesses the English language proficiency of K–12 ELLs in four language domains—listening, speaking, reading, and writing. English language proficiency assessments in Grades K–12 are federally required to evaluate the progress that ELLs make in becoming proficient in the use of academic English.

Is the Telpas test important?

TELPAS uses four proficiency ratings—Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, and Advanced High—to show the progress students make in learning English from year to year. For students to reach their full academic potential, it is important for them to make steady progress in learning English.

What is the telpas test?

The Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) is an annual assessment for students who have been identified as English learners (ELs). TELPAS assesses English language proficiency in four language domains – listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Find more information about the TELPAS test.

Does the tea provide telpas reading released tests?

The TEA provides TELPAS reading released tests in the online interface used for the spring administration. Districts can administer these released tests to students for diagnostic purposes. TestNav 8 does not generate a test summary.

What is the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System telpas?

TEA designed the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) and TELPAS Alternate to assess the progress that limited English proficient (LEP) students, also referred to as English learners (ELs), make in learning the English language. To view all English learner (EL) resources, visit the EL webpage.

What are the telpas listening&speaking practice sets?

The TELPAS Listening & Speaking Practice Sets were created to help students become familiar with online listening and speaking test items. The practice sets will allow students to practice listening to test items and recording speaking responses.