What is the meaning of flattering me?

What is the meaning of flattering me?

1. verb. If someone flatters you, they praise you in an exaggerated way that is not sincere, because they want to please you or to persuade you to do something. [disapproval] I knew she was just flattering me. [

What is flatter in medical terms?

adjective Referring to a horizontal surface without irregularities or significant curvature.

What does it mean to call someone flattering?

If someone’s remarks are flattering, they praise you and say nice things about you. Most of his colleagues had positive, even flattering things to say. Synonyms: ingratiating, complimentary, gratifying, fawning More Synonyms of flattering. More Synonyms of flattering.

Are you flattering yourself?

If someone says to you ‘you’re flattering yourself’ or ‘don’t flatter yourself,’ they mean that they disagree with your good opinion of yourself.

Is flattered a good thing?

Flattery is dishonest when used to gain or control. It is effective, because everyone has insecurities and loves to be told great things about themselves. Flattery is particularly common during dating and in new relationships, but usually wears off as relationships settle into commitment and reality.

Is flattering a good thing?

It is effective, because everyone has insecurities and loves to be told great things about themselves. Flattery is particularly common during dating and in new relationships, but usually wears off as relationships settle into commitment and reality.

What is an example of flattery?

Flattery is defined as praise or compliments, usually exaggerated or false. An example of flattery is a person who’s hoping for a raise telling their boss how great their new hair cut looks. (uncountable) Excessive praise or approval, which is often insincere and sometimes contrived to win favour.

Is flatter a compliment?

As verbs the difference between compliment and flatter is that compliment is (ambitransitive) to pay a compliment (to); to express a favorable opinion (of) while flatter is to compliment someone, often insincerely and sometimes to win favour.

How do you respond to I am flattered?

Thanks!! or something along those lines. This is assuming you’ve just flattered someone. When they respond this way, you can either smile and let them move on (as in telling someone what a great job they did in a concert) or you can continue on and explain why you thought whatever they did was so great.

Is it flatter or more flat?

The comparative form of flat; more flat.

Is flattering negative?

No, it does not have negative connotations when used this way; you may use it. I’ve used it myself. However, it does not signify that the customer’s action was unexpected. It expresses modesty (as in I don’t deserve this kindness).

What do you reply to you flatter me?

Other ways to say “I’m flattered” to accept a compliment:

  • “Thanks so much”
  • “Oh I appreciate that”
  • “Thank you for saying that”
  • “That was such a nice thing to say”

What do we mean by ‘flattering’?

What Do We Really Mean When We Say Something Is ‘Flattering’? Often, the word “flattering” simply boils down to camouflaging your body’s flaws. Share All sharing options for: What Do We Really Mean When We Say Something Is ‘Flattering’?

What is flattening?

Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. A term of art used in psychiatry for the attenuation or reduction of a person’s emotional reactivity, typically expressed as flattening of affect. Segen’s Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc.

What does the term flat mean in medical terms?

adjective Referring to a horizontal surface without irregularities or significant curvature. Segen’s Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved. 1. Level and smooth. 2. Of a line on a chart, horizontal. 3. In psychology, lacking in expressive range. 4. In electrocardiography, isoelectric. Q. what does the term flat affect means?