Which side is a left-hand facing sofa?

Which side is a left-hand facing sofa?

If you are looking at the sofa, facing the longest edge, it is a right-hand sofa if the corner and the short edge are to your right. Obviously, then, it is a left-hand sofa if the corner and the short edge are to your left.

What are those L shaped couches called?

sectional sofa
When the term “sectional sofa” comes up, most people immediately picture a huge L-shaped couch that takes up most of the living room.

What is left arm facing sectional?

When you look directly at the sectional sofa and the chaise is on your right-hand side, that’s what we call a Right Arm Facing (RAF) sectional or simply a sectional facing right. The Left Arm Facing (LAF) sectional has the chaise on your left-hand side.

What is a reversible corner sofa?

Product Information. The Willowfield Reversible Corner Suite is an adjustable corner model which is perfect for those with limited space. The chaise cushion can be flipped and moved to sit on either the left or right hand side of the sofa. The suite is covered in a soft yet hardwearing woven fabric.

How do you know which side is chaise?

To determine whether a chaise lounge is left or right facing, stand facing the lounge. If the sofa arm is on the left, you’re looking at a left facing chaise sectional piece.

What is the point of a sectional sofa?

A Sectional in a Large Space is Perfect If You… The sectional helps make the room feel well furnished here given its sheer size. Are one to have frequent family parties and invite friends over for movie nights and big loungey gatherings where people can stand, kickback, or even grab a spot on the floor.

How do I know if my sectional is right or left facing?

Right Facing Sectional Meaning To determine whether a sectional sofa piece is left facing or right facing, stand facing the piece in question. If the sofa arm is on the right side, you’re looking at a right facing sectional piece.

What is right arm facing on a sofa?

RAF – right-arm facing. It means if you’re standing and staring at your sectional, the arm is on your right side. This only applies to a sectional piece that has one arm.