Can you do a mix of baby led weaning and purees?

Can you do a mix of baby led weaning and purees?

A combined approach that includes both finger foods for self-feeding and the spoon-feeding of purees is fine when babies are fed responsively, and there is no evidence that a combined approach is detrimental. A misconception about BLW is that purees should be avoided.

Can you switch from purees to baby led weaning?

The first method is to slightly thicken the purees you are giving them each week by simply not blending them as much. So you will go from a fine and silky puree to a chunky and thick puree in about a month or so. You can also increase the size and amount of grains, meat and beans you put into the puree.

Can you combine spoon-feeding and baby led weaning?

Spoon-feeding and baby-led weaning can be combined. The World Health Organisation and the UK Department of Health recommend that you introduce finger foods when you introduce solids in general. This means that you can offer your baby pureed foods on a spoon as well as finger foods in a more baby-led weaning approach.

How do you incorporate purees in baby led weaning?

The traditional way is to slowly transition baby to solid foods through purees. First, you start with single ingredients and thin textures to introduce flavors and then you move to thicker textures and more ingredients as you feel your baby is ready.

Are there any benefits to baby-led weaning?

BLW may help promote good eating behaviors and protect children against excess weight gain. It may also reduce picky eating behaviors and make it easier for parents to introduce foods to their babies.

At what age can you start baby-led weaning?

six months
When can I start baby-led weaning? The recommended age to start baby-led weaning is from six months onwards (NHS, 2019). This is the same age as the alternative – spoon-feeding (NHS, 2019).

At what age do you start baby-led weaning?

6 months old
Babies should be at least 6 months old and able to sit up unassisted before starting baby-led weaning. They should have strong neck control, as well. Being at least 6 months old means they will have likely grown out of their tongue-thrust reflex, which pushes foreign objects out of their mouths.

What are the signs of readiness for baby led weaning?

Readiness signs: baby is probably ready to try solid foods by the time she can do all of the following which happens around 6mo.

  • Sit up with little or no support.
  • Hold his head steady.
  • Reach out and grab things effectively.
  • Take objects to their mouth quickly and accurately.
  • Make gnawing and chewing movements.

Can you do baby-led weaning with no teeth?

Do babies need teeth for baby led weaning? No! Gums are super strong and front teeth aren’t used for chewing—that happens when the back molars come in. Teeth really have nothing to do with whether or not a baby can eat solids.

What is Baby-led weaning (BLW) and should you try it?

Traditionally, American parents have introduced thin purees or baby cereals as infants’ first foods. However, you may have noticed that Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) has been trending on social media lately. The idea is that babies are given small bits of different types of solid foods and will self-feed.

Is it OK to mix purees and baby food?

Remember, it’s OK to take a combination approach: purees and BLW foods! Even after starting solids, babies will still get most of his or her nutrition from breast milk or formula until age one. *Early introduction of peanut products and eggs may reduce the risk of food allergies.

When should I introduce purees to my Baby?

On the other hand, conventional wisdom argues that it is harder to choke on a thin puree, so they may be safer to introduce earlier. There is no research to say what foods to introduce first. For most babies, starting with purees or doing BLW is probably fine!