Do you put video game titles in quotes?

Do you put video game titles in quotes?

You would italicize the title of the video game, as it’s the name of a standalone, self-contained work. You also want to make sure you note the version of the game and which platform it was played on.

How do you write a good program note?

Program Note ContentsProvide basic information on the creator(s) of the work or performance. Give the contextual background of the work or performance. Describe how the work or performance is related to others of the same style, tradition, movement, or genre.

How do you write program notes for a song?

Program notes typically start with a heading that includes the full title with appropriate keys, numbers, opus numbers, and catalog numbers, date of composition, the composer’s full name and dates, movements or song titles to be performed, names of instrumentalists/vocalist performing.

What do the numbers mean in classical music titles?

In musical composition, the opus number is the “work number” that is assigned to a musical composition, or to a set of compositions, to indicate the chronological order of the composer’s production.