How can I post on Facebook with PHP?

How can I post on Facebook with PHP?

Automatically post to a Facebook page using the Facebook PHP API (v5)

  1. Create a Facebook ‘App’:
  2. Install the Facebook PHP SDK:
  3. Enter your App’s settings:
  4. Get a non-expiring Access Token for your App:
  5. The code that does the ‘posting’:
  6. The automation:

What is PHP on Facebook?

🐘 PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development. ⚠️ GROUP RULES: – Be nice and respectful to others. – Post in English.

How to post on Facebook page using Graph API?

2. Facebook requires clients to use HTTPS with the Graph API….The flow shown in the code below:

  1. the Facebook SDK is initialized.
  2. a user logs in and we get a user access token.
  3. the user access token is used for getting a page access token.
  4. a post can be published with the page access token 🎉

How do you post a website on your Facebook page?

Post your link on your wall and News Feed In order to do this, you’ll want to paste your website’s URL in the post box. You can find the post box in your Facebook Business Page under ‘posts. ‘ Once you paste your URL, wait for a featured image of your website and title to appear.

Does Facebook still run PHP?

Facebook still uses PHP, but it has built a compiler for it so it can be turned into native code on its web servers, thus boosting performance. Facebook uses Linux, but has optimized it for its own purposes (especially in terms of network throughput).

How do I create a Facebook API graph?

Here are the steps for it.

  1. Go to link, create an account there.
  2. Go to link
  3. Go to “My apps” drop down in the top right corner and select “add a new app”.
  4. Again get back to the same link
  5. Then, select “Get Token”.