How can I speed up UFT execution?

How can I speed up UFT execution?

Run your tests in “Fast mode.” From Tools > Options > Run tab dialog box (in UFT: Tools > Options > GUI Testing > Test Runs), select the “Fast mode” option. This instructs QTP/UFT to run your test without displaying the execution arrow for each step, enabling the test to run faster.

How do I connect UFT to QC?

Prerequisite for this module is that both ALM and UFT must have been installed….Step 2) The New Test Dialog opens.

  1. Select the type of test.
  2. Enter the Name of Test.
  3. We need to choose the location as ALM (by default it would display the UFT installed location). Click on ‘Browse’ Button.

What is a QC connection?

The Peak Quick Connect (QC) is a simple and effective wireline tool quick connection that offers a vast range of benefits versus sucker rod type threaded connections when supplied integral to tooling components.

How does UFT reduce execution time?

Get the Guide

  1. Launch UFT using a .
  2. Load only the add-ins that are required for your Application Under Test – don’t load unnecessary add-ins in the Add-in Manager when UFT starts.
  3. Reduce default time-out settings for Object synchronization timeout and Browser navigation timeout.
  4. Disable Smart Identification.

How do I run UFT in hidden mode?

To enable this hidden mode, go to “Remote Agent Setting” and select the option “Run UFT in hidden mode”.

Can we run UFT in hidden mode?

One of those is “hidden mode”. Using the Run UFT in hidden mode will improve your test execution because the UFT UI does not have to render every time a test runs. This will help free up some hardware resources that would normally go to the rendering piece of UFT.

Why selenium is better than QTP?

Selenium can execute scripts on different browsers. QTP can run tests only in specific versions of Firefox, Chrome, and IE. Selenium can execute test scripts across various operating systems. QTP can work only on Windows.

How to run a QTP test from a QC project?

1) Login to QC into the domain and project where you saved the QTP test script. Go to Test Plan and click on the Folder Name. This will contain the test that you saved from QTP. 3) Click Run All Tests Locally check box if you are running the tests on the same host machine. The Status column will show you if your connection was successful or not

How to reconnect on Server startup in QTP?

The Reconnect on Server Startup option enables QTP to establish a connection with QC every time QTP is opened. Click on Connect. 3) In this section, we need to specify details of our QC credentials. Step 1 – we have already connected to the QC server successfully.

How to record and save scripts on QTP?

Record some script on QTP and click on Save or Ctrl+S. The pop window will show you the folders as per the Test Plan view that is available in Quality Center of your login. 2) Select the project in which you want to save your test and mention the test name under which the script should be saved.

How to integrate QTP automation scripts with Quality Center?

By Integrating, the QTP automation scripts can be executed right from Quality Center. For establishing a connection, first step is to install the required Addins. We will understand how to integrate by taking a sample QTP script and execute it from QC. Step 1 − Navigate to ALM home page and click on “Tools” from the list of links.