How can you start a persuasive essay?

How can you start a persuasive essay?

A persuasive paragraph starts with a topic sentence, which states an opinion about something. The body sentences give reasons that support the opinion, and the closing sentence may state the opinion in a new way.

How do you appreciate tasty food?

The meal tonight was very tasty. You’ve done a great job. Thanks very much, you cooked that meal to perfection….To acknowledge a good meal and comment on the taste of the food, you can say:What a fantastic meal!We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.That was a delicious meal.It was a very satisfying meal.

How do you bless food?

Bless us, Oh Lord, May all be fed. Loving God, bless all those gathered here today. For food in a world where many walk in hunger; Our dear Heavenly Father, In a world where so many are hungry, Bless us, O God. May this food restore our strength, giving new energy to tired limbs, new thoughts to weary minds.

What to say after eating in English?

“Enjoy” (US). After the meal you might thank the host, e.g. “That was delicious, thank you” – but there are not really any standard after-the-meal exclamations – it depends on how good the meal was! The host would reply, “You are welcome”, or simply “thank you”, or “I am glad you enjoyed it”.

How do you say thank you for food?

Edible thank-yous are a practical and delicious way to say thanks….Here are some creatively edible thanks ideas:“You take the cake!”“With you, I get to have my cake and eat it, too!”“You are the icing on the cake!”“Your help made this a piece of cake!”“You’re my angel!” (attached this note to an angel food cake)

What is the best reply for had lunch?

If you’ve had lunch, say ‘yes’. If you haven’t, say ‘no’.

How do you say I have dinner?

Technically both are somewhat correct. The difference is, when are telling someone about your dinner, you say, “Just had dinner”. But when you say to the other person, it’s, “Just have your dinner”.” “I just had dinner”/”I have just had my dinner” -> Very recently. “

What did you have or had for dinner?

They are largely interchangeable. ‘What did you have…’ can be used further from the event (eating dinner) than ‘what have you had…’ which needs to be asked reasonably soon after the meal.