How do I create a materialized view in Oracle SQL Developer?

How do I create a materialized view in Oracle SQL Developer?

To create the materialized view with query rewrite enabled, in addition to the preceding privileges: If the schema owner does not own the master tables, then the schema owner must have the GLOBAL QUERY REWRITE privilege or the QUERY REWRITE object privilege on each table outside the schema.

How do I create a materialized view?

Use the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement to create a materialized view. A materialized view is a database object that contains the results of a query. The FROM clause of the query can name tables, views, and other materialized views.

How do I run a materialized view in Oracle?

  1. Set the initialization parameters and bounce the database.
  2. Create the materialized view table.
  3. Create the optimizer statistics and refresh the materialized view.
  4. Test the materialized view.
  5. Create the MVIEW log(s) MATERIALIZED VIEW.
  6. Execute a manual complete refresh.

Why do we create materialized view in Oracle?

Oracle uses materialized views (also known as snapshots in prior releases) to replicate data to non-master sites in a replication environment and to cache expensive queries in a data warehouse environment.

How do you get DDL of a materialized view in Oracle?

“how to get ddl for materialized view” Code Answer

  1. — Views (use USER_VIEWS or DBA_VIEWS if needed):
  3. — Or:
  4. SELECT dbms_metadata.
  5. — Materialized views (use USER_VIEWS or DBA_VIEWS if needed):

How do I make a materialized view read only?

  1. create materialized view mv_name. tablespace mv_data. as select * from base_table; By default materialized view refresh type is complete. This mv should be refreshed manually and using complete mode of refresh.
  2. create materialized view mv1. tablespace mv_data. build immediate. refresh fast.
  3. create materialized view mv1.

Can we create materialized view on view in Oracle?

It doesn’t make any sense to create a materialized view log on a view because the materialized view log needs to keep track of the changes in a table using its ROWID, which a view doesn’t have. You should be able to create a materialized view on a view, although you wouldn’t be able to fast refresh it.

Can we create index on materialized view in Oracle?

A materialized view can be partitioned, and you can define a materialized view on a partitioned table. You can also define one or more indexes on the materialized view.

How do I get an Mview DDL?

How do you find a materialized view?

To see all views in a database you must query DBA_MVIEWS or DBA_SNAPHOTS. You need special privileges or roles to query this view like the system privilege SELECT ANY DICTIONARY or the role SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE. A similar statement holds for other ALL_ and DBA_ views.

Are materialized views read only?

A materialized view can be either read-only, updatable, or writeable. Users cannot perform data manipulation language (DML) statements on read-only materialized views, but they can perform DML on updatable and writeable materialized views.

Can we create index on materialized views?

How do I create a view in Oracle?

Go to the place where you wish the folder to be created.

  • At the same moment,hold down the Ctrl,Shift,and N keys.
  • Fill in the name of the folder you want to create.
  • Go to the place where you wish the folder to be created.
  • Select a blank space in the folder location using the right-click menu.
  • Why do we use materialized view in Oracle?

    To encapsulate complex queries that are core to an operation so that multiple applications can benefit from consistent results.

  • To hide changes in table schema from older applications that may balk at the new schema version.
  • To create a logical table with calculated values that are based on data from multiple tables.
  • How to create Oracle dblink to Netezza?

    The source file must be accessible by the ODI agent executing the interface.

  • The run-time agent machine must have Netezza Performance Server client installed.
  • All mappings need to be on the staging area.
  • All source fields need to be mapped,and must be in the same order as the target table in Netezza.
  • Can we use create or replace materialized view?

    You can only replace a view with a new query that generates the identical set of columns, using the same column names and data types. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW locks the view for reads and writes until the operation completes. When a view is replaced, its other properties such as ownership and granted privileges are preserved.