How do I investigate JVM crash?

How do I investigate JVM crash?

You can verify whether an out-of-virtual-memory error has occurred in the following ways:

  1. Look in the text crash file. The text crash file . dump might indicate that memory allocations have failed.
  2. Check the size of the binary crash file. When the JRockit JVM crashes, it generates a binary crash file ( . core or .

Where are the Java logs stored?

File Locations home>/. java/deployment/log on UNIX, Linux. ~/Library/Application Support/Oracle/Java/Deployment/log on Mac OS X. \Sun\Java\Deployment\log on Windows.

What is the default log file path for JVM?

The default location for files is your working directory. Console if its System. err or System.

What are Hs_err_pid files?

Whenever a JVM is crashed a fatal error log file is generated. The file is named as hs_err_pid. log (where is the process id of the process). Most cases this file is created in the same working directory and in some other cases the file may be created in the temporary location.

How do I view JVM logs?


  1. Start the administrative console.
  2. Click Troubleshooting > Logs and Trace in the console navigation tree. To view the logs for a particular server, click on the server name to select it, then click JVM Logs.
  3. Select the runtime tab.
  4. Click View corresponding to the log you want to view.

How do I trigger a JVM crash?

To crash a JVM, aside from JNI, you need to find a bug in the VM itself. An infinite loop just consumes CPU. Infinitely allocating memory should just cause OutOfMemoryError’s in a well built JVM. This would probably cause problems for other threads, but a good JVM still should not crash.

What is log file in Java?

In Java, Logging is an API that provides the ability to trace out the errors of the applications. When an application generates the logging call, the Logger records the event in the LogRecord. After that, it sends to the corresponding handlers or appenders.

How do I view eclipse logs?

From the main menu, select Window > Show view > Other. Then select General > Error Log. The error log is displayed, showing the following information for each error: The status of the error (for example, error or warning)

What is the work of JVM?

JVM is specifically responsible for converting bytecode to machine-specific code and is necessary in both JDK and JRE. It is also platform-dependent and performs many functions, including memory management and security.

How do I view Websphere logs?


  1. Log into the application server (E.g. http://localhost:9060/ibm/console)
  2. In the left toolbar, expand Servers > Server Types and open Websphere application servers link.
  3. Scroll down the screen and in the Troubleshooting section, choose Logging and tracing link:
  4. In General Properties screen, choose JVM Logs link:

Can I delete Hs_err_pid files?

The file hs_err_pid. mdmp is a memory dump from a process crash. Any process can create this memory dump. You can safely remove them from server if you face any space issue in your environment.

How do I check console logs?