How do I turn off Phantom Lancer?

How do I turn off Phantom Lancer?

Bloodthorn indirectly locks down Phantom Lancer by preventing him from using Doppelganger to disjoint or dispel. Shiva’s Guard helps clear out Phantom Lancer’s illusions.

Is Phantom Lancer Offlane?

Phantom Lancer is traditionally played as the farming core in the safelane, harassing opponents with Spirit Lance, but mostly focusing on getting last hits and keeping his lane static close to his tier 1 tower.

How do you play Phantom Lancer?

Phantom Lancer is traditionally played as the farming core in the safelane, harassing opponents with Spirit Lance, but mostly focusing on getting last hits and keeping his lane static close to his tier 1 tower. His great base damage, base agility and attack animation makes it easy to control the lane, denying at will without missing any last hits.

When to use spirit Lance on Phantom Lancer?

Spirit Lance is Phantom Lancer’s generic nuke. Use it during the early game to supplement his damage during ganks and for harassment. Use Spirit Lance during the laning phase to intimidate enemy laners, especially vulnerable supports. Using Spirit Lance to get last hits can be worth it if Phantom Lancer is not farming well.

Why is Phantom Lancer so good late game?

Boots of Travel makes Phantom Lancer a powerful split-pusher in the late game, and also allows him to return to base after generating an illusion army to push down lanes. Abyssal Blade allows Phantom Lancer to stun targets, giving him the time to land multiple hits and generate illusions.

How do you use doppelganger in Phantom Lancer?

Use Doppelganger to move through cliffs and other terrain obstacles, such as the barrier from Fissure. Doppelganger gathers any and all illusions within a 900 range radius from Phantom Lancer’s point of origin, and will reappear alongside him at the targeted area.