How do male and female survivorship curves differ?

How do male and female survivorship curves differ?

Type I survivorship curves mean the species have a high infant mortality rate and low death rate. Therefore, many individuals of the species live up to old ages. Females are also shown to have a higher survivorship than males (Fig. 1 and Fig.).

What are the differences between Type 1 2 and 3 survivorship curves?

There are three types of survivorship curves. Type I curves depict individuals that have a high probability of surviving to adulthood. Type II curves depict individuals whose chance of survival is independent of age. Type III curves depict individuals that mostly die in the early stages of their life.

Are humans Type 1 or Type 2 survivorship curves?

Humans and most primates have a Type I survivorship curve. In a Type I curve, organisms tend not to die when they are young or middle-aged but, instead, die when they become elderly.

Who has Type 3 survivorship?

life tables The Type III curve, characteristic of small mammals, fishes, and invertebrates, is the opposite: it describes organisms with a high death rate (or low survivorship rate) immediately following birth.

What does Type 1 survivorship curve mean?

In survivorship curve. The Type I curve, illustrated by the large mammals, tracks organisms that tend to live long lives (low death rate and high survivorship rate); toward the end of their life expectancies, however, there is a dramatic increase in the death rate.

What is a Type Two survivorship curve?

A type II survivorship curve shows a roughly constant mortality rate for the species through its entire life. This means that the individual’s chance of dying is independent of their age. Type II survivorship curves are plotted as a diagonal line going downward on a graph.

What does Type 2 survivorship curve mean?

What is a characteristic of Type 1 survivorship curves?

Type I or convex curves are characterized by high age-specific survival probability in early and middle life, followed by a rapid decline in survival in later life. They are typical of species that produce few offspring but care for them well, including humans and many other large mammals.

Why do birds have a Type 2 survivorship curve?

Birds are an example of an intermediate or Type II survivorship curve because birds die more or less equally at each age interval. These organisms also may have relatively few offspring and provide significant parental care.

What are Type 2 species?

life tables In contrast, the Type II curve considers birds, mice, and other organisms characterized by a relatively constant mortality or survivorship rate throughout their life expectancies.

What is a Type 1 curve?

What are the three types of the survivorship curve?

– Late loss, high mortality rate after reaching old agae – High survivorship throughout life till old age sets in – Majority reaches maturity – Typical of k selected species with very few offspring’s. See r-selected vs k selected species

What is a type 1 survival curve?


  • Mammals
  • Drosophila.
  • What do organisms have a Type 3 survivorship curve?

    Trees, marine invertebrates, and most fish have a Type III survivorship curve. In a Type III curve, very few organisms survive their younger years. However, the lucky ones that make it through youth are likely to have pretty long lives after that.

    What is a type 1 curve?

    – inverters – Class 1 IT equipment – power supplies for Class II equipment – lighting equipment including dimmers and LED drivers, – induction hobs, and – electric vehicle charging equipment with smooth residual DC current less than 6 mA.