How do you become a SunSmart for kids?

How do you become a SunSmart for kids?

Help your child to be SunSmart at school or early childhood service

  1. Dress your child in clothing that covers as much skin as possible.
  2. Apply a generous amount of SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen at the start of the day before drop-off.
  3. Remember to pack their sun-protective hat each day.

How effective is SunSmart?

A proven track record in preventing cancer and saving lives – it is estimated to have prevented more than 43,000 skin cancers and 1,400 deaths from the disease in Victoria between 1988 and 2011.

How Can Preschoolers Be sun Safe?

Remember it’s not just about sunscreen. Apply lip balm with SPF 30 and reapply regularly. Cover up by wearing wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses with UV protection and protective clothing. Seek shade whenever possible. Avoid sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

What are the seven SunSmart program recommendations?

One example is an adaptation of the action song, The Seven Steps with each step being a SunSmart action: put on protective clothing, put on a hat, apply sunscreen, put on sunglasses, find some shade and play.

How pre schoolers can learn to be sun safe?

How long can you stay in sun without sunscreen?

Some dermatologists believe that, as long as you don’t have complications with usual sun exposure, you can sunbathe without sunscreen up to 20 minutes each day . To reduce the risk of sunburn, it may be best to stick to 5 to 10 minutes.

Do you need sunscreen when UV is 3?

Sun protection times are issued by the Bureau of Meteorology when the UV Index is forecast to reach 3 or above. At that level, it can damage your skin and lead to skin cancer. Sunscreen should be incorporated into your daily routine on these days.

Do you need sunscreen if UV is 2?

A UV Index reading two or lower means there is a minimal risk of sunburn for the average person. At this level it is suggested to wear sunglasses, use broad spectrum sunscreen and watch out for bright surfaces like sand, water and snow which reflect UV rays, increasing your exposure.

Does Makeup protect you from sun damage?

It’s the outermost layer, and it protects all the other organs from danger. Some types of makeup can protect you from sun damage, so people often forgo other types of protection like sunscreen. But when it comes to ultraviolet (UV) rays, you can never be too safe.

Why choose a SunSmart school?

SunSmart Schools recognise that UV levels peak in the middle of the day and that as the UV Index rises, the associated risk of skin damage also increases. A SunSmart School has a sun protection policy and practices in place that aim to reduce over-exposure to UV.

What is SunSmart schools and early childhood membership?

The SunSmart Schools and Early Childhood Membership Program started in the early 1990s to help raise awareness about skin cancer prevention and sun protection. We recommend all early childhood services and schools develop and implement a comprehensive, evidence-based sun protection policy to reduce UV exposure and associated risks.

What is the a SunSmart policy?

A SunSmart policy provides clear, evidence-based guidelines that help to minimise UV exposure and skin cancer risk. View our resources developed to help early childhood services and schools be SunSmart. Advice for

What is SunSmart’s UV reducing UV exposure program?

Reducing UV exposure reduces skin cancer risk. The SunSmart Schools and Early Childhood Membership Program started in the early 1990s to help raise awareness about skin cancer prevention and sun protection.