How do you type Power of 3 on iPhone?

How do you type Power of 3 on iPhone?

To type a cubed symbol, type a number and press the “x3” button. Alternatively, you can type any number, and then press “xy” to add any number you want as an exponent.

How do you type exponents on iPhone?

To type to the power of 2 on a keyboard, hold down the Shift key and press the number 2 key. This will type a “2” that is twice as large as a regular “2”. Can you type squared on iPhone? Yes, you can type squared on iPhone by holding down the number 2 key and then releasing it.

How do you type subscript numbers on iPhone?

Make characters superscript or subscript in Pages on iPhone

  1. Select the text you want to change, then tap .
  2. Tap. in the Font section of the controls. If you don’t see text controls, tap Text or Cell.
  3. Tap a baseline option (superscript or subscript).

How do you do 3 squared?

Squared. A number n squared is written as n² and n² = n × n. If n is an integer then n² is a perfect square. For example, 3 squared is written as 3² and 3² = 3 × 3 = 9.

Can you do squared on an iPhone?

Yes, you can type squared on iPhone by holding down the “x” key and then pressing the number 2 key.

How do you type exponents on an Apple keyboard?

To get the “exponent”, hold down the following keys – shift, control, command, then click the + sign key, then release them. Now type the exponent number.

How do you type the cubed symbol?

Hold down the “Alt” key and type “0179” without quotes. When you release the “Alt” key, the cubed symbol appears.

How do you type superscript 2 on iPhone?

Text Shortcuts on iOS

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Tap General > Keyboard > Text Replacement.
  3. Tap “+” in the top right corner.
  4. In the Phrase row, type or paste a symbol, such as “²”.
  5. In the Shortcut row, type or paste a shortcut, such as “^2”.
  6. Tap “Save” in the top right corner.