How do you use dashes in an essay?

How do you use dashes in an essay?

DashesTo set off material for emphasis. Think of dashes as the opposite of parentheses. To indicate sentence introductions or conclusions. To mark bonus phrases. Phrases that add information or clarify but are not necessary to the meaning of a sentence are ordinarily set off with commas. To break up dialogue.

Why do you put dashes between words?

Hyphens’ main purpose is to glue words together. They notify the reader that two or more elements in a sentence are linked. Although there are rules and customs governing hyphens, there are also situations when writers must decide whether to add them for clarity.

What do dashes in sentences mean?

The dash () is a mark of punctuation used to set off a word or phrase after an independent clause or a parenthetical remark (words, phrases, or clauses that interrupt a sentence). “A dash is a mark of separation stronger than a comma, less formal than a colon, and more relaxed than parentheses.”

How do you use en dash in a sentence?

Using the En Dash to Denote a Connection The en dash may also be used to indicate a connection between two words. Use an en dash when you need to connect terms that are already hyphenated or when you are using a two-word phrase as a modifier. When the dash is used in this way, it creates a compound adjective.

How do you make a dash in an email?

In emails of any format, whether Rich Text or HTML, you can easily insert a hyphen into the top line of an email by pressing the “-” button located in the upper right corner of your keyboard. However, if you are using Microsoft Outlook, the hyphenation issue gets a little stickier.