How do you use therefore as a conjunction?

How do you use therefore as a conjunction?

When we do decide to use therefore in place of regular conjunction, we get run-on sentences. Using therefore introduces an independent clause. See the example below: Incorrect: Most of the dogs were toilet-trained, therefore they were allowed in the house.

Is there a comma before and after therefore?

In your sample sentence, therefore is used as an interrupter, so you do need to put a comma before and after it. Example: I, therefore, recommended to him… If it’s being used as a conjunctive adverb, you’d need a semicolon and a comma. Example: He’s my teacher; therefore, I need to respect him.

How do you use therefore example?

In some cases, you can also use “therefore” to start a sentence. For example, “June’s car broke down on her way to work. Therefore, she was late for the meeting.” Remember that “therefore” needs to be ”between” 2 independent clauses, not after them.

What is appropriate conjunction?

Conjunction is a word that connects or joins clauses, words, phrases together in a sentence. Conjunctions are used to coordinate words in a sentence. “but”, “although”, “while” are some common conjunctions. Let us learn the types and examples of conjunctions and their correct use.

How do you use conjunctions in writing?

Starting a Sentence with a Conjunction

  1. connect equal parts of a sentence.
  2. bring together two or more independent sentences.
  3. join independent and dependent clauses.
  4. stand in the middle of a sentence separated by commas or a semicolon and comma.
  5. connect equal structures.
  6. can be placed at the beginning of a sentence.

What is conjunction English grammar?

In grammar, conjunction (abbreviated CONJ or CNJ) is a part of speech that connects words, phrases, or clauses that are called the conjuncts of the conjunctions. The term discourse marker is mostly used for conjunctions joining sentences.

What is conjunction explain?

A conjunction is a word that joins two or more words, phrases, or clauses. Think of them as gluing words. They glue words, phrases, and clauses together. If you’d like to have your friend bring music and snacks to your party, it’s pretty hard to do it without a conjunction.

How many conjunctions are in a sentence?

There are seven coordinating conjunctions in English, and you can remember them using the mnemonic device FANBOYS: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.

Can you have two conjunctions in a sentence?

It is perfectly fine to use multiple conjunctions in a sentence, and although it may produce something which seems a bit verbose, there are appropriate uses for it, and in literature in particular, it’s commonly used to create a sense of continuity throughout a scene by forcing the reader to take in the entire …

What are the rules of conjunction?

Conjunction Rules:

  • The conjunction both is followed by and.
  • E.g. Though he worked hard, he failed.
  • Rule 5.
  • Do not use not, never , no, with the clause containing these words.
  • In affirmative sentences doubt and doubtful are followed by if/ whether.
  • Always use the correct pair not only….but also.

What are the 4 types of conjunctions PDF?

Types Of Conjunctions

  • Coordinating Conjunction Words.
  • Subordinating Conjunction Words.
  • Correlative Conjunction Words.
  • Conjunctive Adverbs.