How does population growth affect disease?

How does population growth affect disease?

Fertility, migration and urbanization affect the spread of diseases including tuberculosis, malaria and HIV/AIDS. Increased population densities and unhealthy living conditions in urban slums can ease the transmission of infections. Migration may also increase vulnerability to disease.

Which type of limiting factor affects a large?

The density dependent limiting factor is the factor which affects the population on the basis of the density. For example, the effect of the disease will be more profound if the population is large, but in small populations few members will get infected.

Which type of growth can occur only when a population has unlimited resources?

exponential growth

How does food shortage affect population?

There are a number of short term effects of food shortage. The impact on children, mothers and elderly are very evident as seen in malnutrition and hunger related deaths. It reduces class concentration among school going children and also reduced playground and social activities which are essential for their growth.

What is the size of the giraffe population?

approximately 111,000 individuals

What are the factors that control population growth?

Population growth is based on four fundamental factors: birth rate, death rate, immigration, and emigration.

How does population affect food?

Food production depends on croplands and water supply, which are under strain as human populations increase. Pressure on limited land resources, driven in part by population growth, can mean expansion of cropland. This often involves destruction of vital forest resources or overexploitation of arable land.

What are the factors that affect population and size?

a natural population in which all four factors that affect population size (death rate, birthrate, immigration, and emigration) are functioning Although there is variation among species, female ducks lay about 10 eggs per nesting attempt.

In what countries do giraffes live?

Where do giraffes live? Most giraffes live in grasslands and open woodlands in East Africa, especially in reserves such as the Serengeti National Park and the Amboseli National Park. Some are also found in the reserves of Southern Africa.

Do giraffes eat bugs?

Giraffe are herbivorous and have been recorded to feed on more than 100 species of plants with a staple diet of acacia leaves. Giraffe use their sense of smell to locate the leaves they want. They ingest everything on the branch when eating, including insects, bark, and thorns.

What are giraffes eaten by?


What are the 5 factors that affect population growth?

Factors influencing population growth

  • Economic development.
  • Education.
  • Quality of children.
  • Welfare payments/State pensions.
  • Social and cultural factors.
  • Availability of family planning.
  • Female labour market participation.
  • Death rates – Level of medical provision.

Can giraffes eat meat?

Giraffes are herbivores, which means they eat only plants. Giraffes aren’t known for eating meat, although Tony, a pure Rothschild’s giraffe at Werribee Open Plains Zoo in Australia was notorious for eating dead rabbits in front of visitors.

Can giraffe kill lion?

Giraffes do not jump. A giraffe can kick in any direction and in a manner of ways, and its kick can not only kill a lion, but has even been known to decapitate (behead) it.

Are giraffes human friendly?

Humans and giraffes have a different type of relationship than that of many other animals. Giraffes have never served a significant purpose for people, yet they haven’t been seen as a threat either. They love the gentleness as well as the fact that they are so different from other animals out there.

What are the factors that caused the increase in food production?

In recent decades there has been impressive growth in food production, which has been attributed to the development of improved, disease-resistant varieties of staple crops; the increased use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides; and the expansion of irrigated cropland.

Do giraffes eat potatoes?

So what does their diet consist of? The giraffes have a varied diet and can eat alfalfa hay to sweet potatoes, but their diet consists of branches for roughage for digestion including leaves and bark that they would find in the wild.

Can giraffes eat apples?

They even eat some fruit. And they also show individual food preferences. Mostly giraffes eat plants they can easily reach. Because they are browsers, giraffes eat mainly leaves and buds of shrubs and small trees that are easily in reach, although they will also eat herbs and vines, as well as fruits and flowers.

Can giraffes eat bananas?

In the wild, giraffes will eat fruits they find on trees. They will also eat bananas if they can find these tasty fruits. In zoos and other enclosures, owners and visitors often offer giraffes bananas as a tasty treat to munch on.

Can giraffes swim?

It’s long been thought that giraffes, with their tall necks and spindly legs, were incapable of swimming – unlike virtually every other mammal on the planet. But thanks to a team of researchers, who are strangely curious about such things, it’s been proven once and for all that giraffes can indeed handle a dip.