How is a metacarpal neck fracture treated?

How is a metacarpal neck fracture treated?

Uncomplicated fifth metacarpal fractures are usually treated with either immobilisation and splinting or neighbour strapping, with a comparable degree of functional results. Fractures with significant angulation require closed reduction and application of splint.

What is a fracture of the metacarpal neck?

Among metacarpal fractures, the metacarpal neck is the most common site of injury (11). Metacarpal neck fractures typically result from a patient striking a solid surface with a clenched fist causing volar comminution and dorsal apex angulation (12, 13).

How long does it take to recover from a metacarpal fracture?

Most of the healing happens between three to six weeks but can take several months for your full symptoms to settle completely. In addition, once the fracture has healed you may have a permanent ‘bump’ where the bone was fractured.

How do you treat a metacarpal fracture at home?

Treatment options

  1. applying ice to the hand.
  2. using a splint to hold it stable while it heals.
  3. not using your hand for a period of time.
  4. keeping your hand above heart level.
  5. taking prescription or over-the-counter pain medication, depending on the amount of pain.
  6. cleaning and treating any wounds on the skin of the injured hand.

Does metacarpal fracture heal?

Most metacarpal fractures fully heal in about 10 weeks, therefore it’s normal to have some stiffness and swelling for that length of time.

Where is the metacarpal neck located?

Metacarpal Head: The rounded distal end (the upper end on the side of the fingers). The area right below the head is referred to as the neck of a metacarpal. Metacarpal Body/Shaft: The long part between the head and the base; the metacarpal shaft has a concave palmar aspect, and sides.

What happens if a fracture heals wrong?

After a bone is broken (fractured), the body will start the healing process. If the two ends of the broken bone are not lined up properly, the bone can heal with a deformity called a malunion. A malunion fracture occurs when a large space between the displaced ends of the bone have been filled in by new bone.