How is Mother Teresa an inspiration?

How is Mother Teresa an inspiration?

Through her compassion, Mother Teresa was able to save the lives of some of the poorest people in the world. Heroes are compassionate and care about others, and since Mother Teresa showed compassion through caring for the poor, she exhibits necessary qualities of a hero.

What is an interesting story about Mother Teresa?

Fun facts about Mother Teresa She is now called Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. She never saw her mother or sister again after leaving home to become a missionary. Albania’s international airport is named after her, the Aeroporti Nene Tereza. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

What inspirational things did Mother Teresa do?

Mother Teresa of Calcutta was a missionary nun who was one of the greatest humanitarians of the 20th century. She founded the Missionaries of Charity – a religious organization dedicated to helping the poor. Through this, she was able to create programs and initiatives that made her an icon of charity around the world.

What was Mother Teresa greatest achievement?

10 Major Achievements of Mother Teresa

  • #1 She dedicated her life to serving the poor and the sick.
  • #2 She established the Missionaries of Charity.
  • #3 She opened the Kalighat Home for the Dying.
  • #4 She opened Nirmala Shishu Bhavan to take care of homeless children.

What are 5 interesting facts about Mother Teresa?

Five Facts about Mother Teresa

  • She was born in Skopje, Macedonia.
  • She became a nun at the age of 18.
  • She lived and worked in India for 17 years.
  • She was a Nobel Peace Prize winner.
  • She had incredible organizational skills along with her compassion and love for humanity.

How did Mother Teresa make a positive impact on the world?

She founded the order, The Missionaries of Charity, to look after abandoned babies and to help the poorest of the poor, once saying that they “lived like animals but die like angels”. In 1979 she received the Nobel Peace Prize and after her death was canonised as Saint Teresa.