Is American dream still alive?

Is American dream still alive?

The American Dream Is Still Alive And Well: U.S. Started Record-Setting Number Of Businesses During The Pandemic.

Which statement best expresses the central idea of mother tongue?

The statement which best expresses the central idea of “Mother Tongue”by Amy Tan is : One’s facility with language should not be misunderstood as an indicator of intelligence or capability.

How does this paragraph develop the central idea that it is important to achieve one’s dreams and help others achieve theirs?

How does this paragraph develop the central idea that it is important to achieve one’s dreams and help others achieve theirs? It uses a story to show how enthusiasm is important to achieving dreams. It uses a lecture to show the importance of doing what one is best at.

What was the American dream in the 20th century?

In the twentieth century, Americans dreamed of the same things as their forebears—things such as freedom, wealth, and meaning. It is hard to say whether twentieth-century Americans were any more or less successful achieving their wishes than the generations that came before them.

Why is the American dream important to society?

The American Dream is the idea that the government should protect each person’s opportunity to pursue their idea of happiness. The government protects the rights of you and every other American citizen to find their path to economic prosperity.

Which text from about Russell best supports the inference?

It conveys a tone of disengagement. Which text from “About Russell” best supports the inference that the narrator eventually learns to accept her brother for who he is? “A grown man, Russell simply will not do what he doesn’t want to.” Read this excerpt from “Lake Titicaca” by Miguel Angel Asturias.

How does this paragraph develop the idea that a person’s ability to use language has nothing to do with his or her intelligence?

How does this paragraph develop the idea that a person’s ability to use language has nothing to do with his or her intelligence? Answer: It provides an example of a time when a person who struggled to use language effectively was outsmarted by someone who was more adept with words.

How did the writer organize the text mother tongue Brainly?

Answer: The writer organized the text by avoiding grammatical errors and mistakes. She also organized it in formal way and using proper strategies that the readers can easily understand.

Why was it hard to figure out Russell’s medical problems?

Why was it hard to figure out Russell’s medical problems? illnesses do change people in many senses however they do not always dissociate the relationships between people. As she says explicitly: In spite of his illness, he has always maintained his “NO.” A grown man, Russell simply will not do what he doesn’t want to.

Which statement best explains how this paragraph functions in mother tongue?

The statement which best explains how the above paragraph functions in “Mother Tongue” is: It helps Tan explain the various important roles that language plays in our lives.

How does this detail develop the central idea?

A central idea is developed by supporting details (specific statements that explain and “prove” the central idea). There are multiple supporting details for one central idea. Ask yourself, “What does this detail show?” THINK: Which answer choice expresses specific statements that PROVE the central idea listed?

Which text from about Russell best supports the inference that the author’s mother was aware of Russell’s condition?

The sentence “Mommy wasn’t even approachable on the subject of her son” supports the inference that the author’s mother was aware of Russell’s condition. The fact that no one was or is able to speak to her about what may be going on with her son tells that she was aware of what issue he may have had.

What does the phrase let our eyes be stolen mean?

What does the phrase “let our eyes be stolen” mean? Be distracted. Refer to Explorations in Literature for a complete version of this narrative. Refer to Explorations in Literature for a complete version of this narrative.

What is the central idea of mother tongue?

The main idea of Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue” is the limitations that imperfect English can impose in society and the richness that such English can bring to writing. Tan elaborates this idea by scrutinizing her mother’s language, her own use of English and society’s response to different people’s English usage.