Is it normal for teenager to have long periods?

Is it normal for teenager to have long periods?

Heavy periods aren’t normal in teens – and might indicate a serious concern. To effectively treat heavy periods, young women must first receive an accurate diagnosis.

Why is my daughter’s period lasting so long?

Changes to your hormones or ovulation may cause a long period. You may notice hormonal changes when you first get your period during puberty or in perimenopause. You may also experience a hormonal imbalance from different health conditions, such as thyroid disorders or polycystic ovary syndrome.

Why is my period not stopping teenager?

Sometimes, irregular periods can be caused by some medicines, exercising too much, having a very low or high body weight, or not eating enough calories. Hormone imbalances can also cause irregular periods. For example, thyroid hormone levels that are too low or too high can cause problems with periods.

How long does a period last for a 16 year old?

Periods usually last about 5 days. But a period can be shorter or last longer.

Why is my period lasting for 15 days?

Having long periods frequently can indicate one of several potential conditions, such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids. A doctor can help diagnose and treat these conditions. Often, taking hormonal birth control pills or switching the type of hormonal medication can help people find relief.

Is it normal to have your period for 10 days or more?

The average period is two to seven days in length, so bleeding for eight days or more is considered long. In general, periods on the longer end of normal (five to seven days) aren’t something to worry about. So although aggravating, it’s unlikely due to an underlying problem.

Why is my daughter having her period every 2 weeks?

This is a normal part of puberty, the cycle is getting ready to become just that, a cycle and it can take up to 2 years to be a steady cycle, for some woman it never does. She may just be a girl who is going to have a heavy period to deal with, which is something she will have to talk to her daughter about.

How do you stop prolonged periods?

Tranexamic acid (Lysteda) helps reduce menstrual blood loss and only needs to be taken at the time of the bleeding. Oral contraceptives. Aside from providing birth control, oral contraceptives can help regulate menstrual cycles and reduce episodes of excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding.

How long do periods last for 15 year olds?

What causes heavy periods in teenage girls?

Hormonal imbalance. Hormone imbalances between estrogen and progesterone can cause heavy menstrual bleeding. The three most common in adolescents are: Dysfunction of the ovaries — when a teen’s body doesn’t ovulate (release an egg) during the menstrual cycle, this creates a hormone imbalance and can cause heavy menstrual bleeding.

Is it normal for an adolescent to have a heavy period?

However, most adolescents do not experience blood loss severe enough to be considered heavy menstrual bleeding. It is not uncommon for an adolescent to experience heavy menstrual bleeding if they have irregular periods. Heavy menstrual bleeding can interfere with an adolescent’s normal activities and cause anemia.

What should I do if my teenager has a heavy period?

Additional tests may be performed to rule out other potential causes for the teen’s heavy menstruation. At Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, adolescent medicine specialists are able to manage the majority of cases of heavy menstrual bleeding.

What are the effects of heavy menstrual bleeding in teenagers?

Heavy menstrual bleeding can interfere with an adolescent’s normal activities and cause anemia. If your teen has abnormally heavy periods that are causing pain or substantially affecting daily activities, your teen should be examined by a specialist in adolescent medicine or gynecology. Heavy menstrual bleeding may…