Is Leshrac a good support?

Is Leshrac a good support?

Leshrac can usually be played as a core or a support. Played as a support, Leshrac has powerful disables that can greatly aid his team in fights, and can deal tremendous damage to enemy towers as well. His nuking spells also allow him to obtain gold fairly reliably for buying more support items.

When should I pick Leshrac?

Leshrac can be picked in the first phase, and no one can predict his role until the final phase of selection. Due to the fact that he is a fast-paced hero, his win rate as a Core in public matches is extremely high.

What creature is Leshrac?

Leshrac, Tormented Soul, is an entity torn from the heart of nature, a liminal being that exists half in one plane of existence, half in another. His penetrating intelligence is such that he can never ignore for a moment the agonizing horror at the heart of all creation.

What does Leshrac mean?

Leshrac, Tormented Soul, is an entity torn from the heart of nature, a liminal being that exists half in one plane of existence, half in another.

What is good against Leshrac?

Nyx Assassin Spiked Carapace will stun Leshrac when hit by any of his AOE abilities. Mana Burn deals high damage due to Leshrac’s high intelligence gain and burns a large amount of Leshrac’s essential mana pool.

Who counters Leshrac Dota 2?

Oracle. Oracle is the first support hero for Leshrac Counters in Dota 2. He has a variety of spells that protect allies against Leshrac’s attacks. His Fate’s Edict will protect any allied hero from taking any nuke damage from Leshrac’s spells.

What is Chronoptic energy?

Orbs of Chronoptic energy surround Leshrac during Diabolic Edict. Outside of battle, this energy nourishes the crown of Chronoptic Crystals on Leshrac’s head. The Crystals on his head source their nourishment from the waves of energy that passes through his warped mind.

Does Kaya stack?

General[edit] Kaya is an Artifact item purchasable from the Home Shop. Multiple Kayas do not stack. The mana loss reduction affects mechanics like mana burn, mana break, and mana drain.