Is Phytophthora infestans an oomycete?

Is Phytophthora infestans an oomycete?

Background. The oomycete Phytophthora infestans causes the devastating late blight diseases of potato and tomato. P. infestans uses spores for dissemination and infection, like many other filamentous eukaryotic plant pathogens.

What is the class of Phytophthora?

OomycetePhytophthora / ClassOomycota forms a distinct phylogenetic lineage of fungus-like eukaryotic microorganisms, called oomycetes. They are filamentous and heterotrophic, and can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Wikipedia

What group does Phytophthora infestans belong to?

P. infestans is an oomycete * (belonging to the Oomycota, which are generally not divided into classes) because they have cell walls composed of cellulose and store their food as starch.

Is Phytophthora infestans a bacteria?

Phytophthora infestans is an oomycete or water mold, a fungus-like microorganism that causes the serious potato and tomato disease known as late blight or potato blight. Early blight, caused by Alternaria solani, is also often called “potato blight”.

Is Phytophthora infestans unicellular or multicellular?

Many heterokonts are unicellular flagellates, and some, including Phytophthora, are multicellular with a flagellated single-celled stage in the life cycle called a zoospore.

Is Phytophthora infestans a scientific name?

Phytophthora infestansPotato late blight fungus / Scientific name

What caused Phytophthora infestans?

The infection is caused by the zoospores found in the soil or that fall onto the tubers from infected foliage during harvest. Following germination the zoospores penetrate into the tubers through the “eyes”, lenticels, growth cracks, wounds, or via the point of attachment to the plant (the stolon) (Lapwood, 1977).

What type of pathogen is Phytophthora?

Phytophthora spp. are mostly pathogens of dicotyledons, and many are relatively host-specific parasites. Phytophthora cinnamomi, though, infects thousands of species ranging from club mosses, ferns, cycads, conifers, grasses, lilies, to members of many dicotyledonous families.

How does Phytophthora infestans work?

Phytophthora infestans produces microscopic, asexual spores called sporangia. These sporangia are hyaline (clear), lemon-shaped and 20-40 um long. When placed in water or in very high relative humidity, the cytoplasm in the sporangia divide and many swimming zoospores emerge from each sporangium.

Is Phytophthora a fungi?

The name Phytophthora derives from Greek and literally means “plant destroyer.” Phytophthora species resemble fungi but are not. While they are most closely related to aquatic organisms, such as brown algae and diatoms, they can also exist on land.

What is the genus of Phytophthora?

Genus: Phytophthora. Species: Phytophthora infestans. Phytophthora infestans has been moved around a lot. Before it was classified as being a fungus, when it actually does not fit the mold (Volk 2001).

What is the difference between Phytophthora infestation and blight?

Phytophthora infestans (Phytophthora blight); blight infected potato tubers exhibit wet and dry rots. Phytophthora infestans (Phytophthora blight); blight infected potato tubers exhibit wet and dry rots.

Is Phytophthora infestans related to ascomycetes and basidiomycete?

However, regardless of the groupings of more general taxa, it is very clear that the genus Phytophthora, the closely related genus Pythium, and the downy mildews (i.e. Bremia, Sclerospora, Peronospora, etc.) are unrelated to ascomycetes and basidiomycetes. P. infestans is a coenocytic oomycete with rare cross walls.

What is Phytophthora infestans (Mont de Bary)?

Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary is one of the main pathogens in the agricultural sector. The most affected are the Solanaceae species, with the potato ( Solanum tuberosum) and the tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum) being of great agricultural importance.