Was Denmark part of Sweden?

Was Denmark part of Sweden?

European Denmark is the southernmost of the Scandinavian countries, lying southwest of Sweden, south of Norway, and north of Germany….Denmark.

Denmark Danmark (Danish)
Official languages Danish
Recognised regional languages German
Ethnic groups (2020) 86.11% Danish 13.89% non-Danish

Are Denmark and Norway related Hetalia?

Other Responses. The relationship between Denmark and Norway was parodied by the Danish artist Humon in the Hetalia Personality Swap strip of Scandinavia and the World, which is unrelated to Hetalia and is a comic of other nation personifications.

What countries are the nyotalia versions of Hetalia?

The nyotalia versions of the nations (from left to right: Hungary, China, France, South Italy, North Italy, Germany, Japan, Russia, England, and America). NYOTALIA refers to the genderbent versions of the canon Hetalia characters, it’s a fan-made term started by the Japanese fandom.

What is the name of nyotalia’s female counterpart?

Though, Western fandom often opt to call her Lovina instead as it is closer to her male counterpart’s name. In a blog update, Himaruya had mentioned that he was sent a list of names for some of the Nyotalia characters, and that he liked the name listed for South Italy, Chiara, commonly pronounced as “Key-ARE-ah” in Italy.

What’s the difference between NYO and Talia?

NYOTALIA refers to the genderbent versions of the canon Hetalia characters, it’s a fan-made term started by the Japanese fandom. Nyo deprives from the words nyotaika (male-female genderbents) and Talia is a short reference for Hetalia or Italia.

What is the meaning of nyosutoria?

Nyosutoria, from nyotaika/nyotalia and Osutoria (Austria), is a nickname used for fanon female versions of Austria. Anneliese is also another nickname used but within the Western fandom.