What are the IB learner profiles?

What are the IB learner profiles?

These qualities—embodied in the IB learner profile—prepare IB students to make exceptional contributions on campus.

  • The IB Learner Profile:
  • Inquirers. They develop their natural curiosity.
  • Knowledgeable.
  • Thinkers.
  • Communicators.
  • Principled.
  • Open-minded.
  • Caring.

What counts as action for CAS?

What counts as action is probably the most straight forward in terms of your CAS. Anything that has an element of physical exertion will count, though some activities will allow you to meet the various outcomes better than others.

What are the IB skills?

Approaches to Learning (5 elements)

  • Thinking skills. critical thinking. creativity and innovation. transfer.
  • Communication skills.
  • Social skills.
  • Self-management skills. organisation. affective. reflection.
  • Research skills. information literacy. media literacy.

What are the 12 IB attitudes?

There are 12 attitudes that help the student build their Learner Profile: Appreciation, Commitment, Creativity, Confidence, Curiosity, Cooperation, Empathy, Enthusiasm, Independence, Integrity, Respect, and Tolerance.

What is ethics of choices and actions in CAS?

“Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions: Students show awareness of the consequences of choices and actions in planning and carrying out CAS experiences.” Ideas for projects reaching this leaning outcome, or just help on figuring out what it is would be helpful.

What is needed to pass CAS?

CAS coordinators have the power to pass you for CAS or not which will affect your diploma/course. -You have to complete at least 50 hours for each strand (Creativity, Activity, and Service) for the year. Don’t do 100 hours for each strand so you don’t have to do it in IB2. You’ll still be forced to do it in IB2.

What are the benefits of IB schools?

10 Benefits of an IB Diploma

  • High Acceptance Rate. Students holding an IB diploma have higher university and college acceptance rates than applicants who have studied under other boards.
  • Increased Scholarship Opportunities.
  • Interdisciplinary Teaching.
  • Lifelong Learning.
  • Teacher Development.
  • Risk Takers.
  • Knowledgeable.
  • Liberal Minded.