What are the verbs for Pouvoir?

What are the verbs for Pouvoir?

Conjugation of pouvoir (can)

Present Future Imperfect
Je peux Je pourrai Je pouvais
Tu peux Tu pourras Tu pouvais
Il/elle/on peut Il/elle/on pourra Il/elle/on pouvait
Nous pouvons Nous pourrons Nous pouvions

How do you use Pouvoir in a sentence?

Pouvoir = can, to be able (ability) You can finish this project. Je peux manger une pizza entière. I can eat a whole pizza.

What is Pouvoir in present tense?

The verb pouvoir, when used in the present tense, is followed by an infinitive verb….Pouvoir Conjugation in the Present Tense (le présent)

Je peux I can
Il/elle peut He/she/it can
Nous pouvons We can
Vous pouvez You can (formal/plural)

Is veux present tense?

This is the most common tense that will be used in relation to vouloir, as it will mean that you will be communicating a current want….Present Tense Vouloir Conjugation in French.

Subject Pronoun Vouloir English
Je Veux I want
Tu Veux You want
Il/Elle Veut He/she wants
Nous Voulons We want

How do you use Veulent?

Vouloir means “to wish,” “to want,” or “will”:

  1. je veux.
  2. nous voulons.
  3. tu veux.
  4. vous voulez.
  5. il veut.
  6. ils veulent.

What tense is Veulent?

Conjugating Vouloir in the Present Tense

Je veux
Il/Elle veut
Nous voulons
Vous voulez
Ils/Elles veulent

How do you use veut in French?

Il veut le faire. (He wants to do it or He will do it.) Je ne veux pas te suivre. (I don’t want to follow you or I won’t follow you.)…Vouloir

  1. je veux.
  2. nous voulons.
  3. tu veux.
  4. vous voulez.
  5. il veut.
  6. ils veulent.

What tense is Voulais?

imperfect tense
The imperfect tense is past tense, used to talk about what you wanted in the past, so is roughly translated as “I wanted”….Vouloir French Conjugation in the Imperfect Tense.

Subject Pronoun Vouloir English
Tu Voulais You wanted
Il/Elle Voulait He/she wanted
Nous Voulions We wanted

How do you use POUVOIR in the present tense?

This section on pouvoir conjugation in the present tense will show you how pouvoir is used in French. Pouvoir is used if you want to state that you are able to do something. This is also how “to be able to/can” is used in English. Je peux parler français. I can speak French.

What are some good sentences for kids?

Here are 20 example sentences for kids that will help them get started. She is my mother. They are your brother. We played cricket. We eat mango. He is wearing a shirt. She has a cat. She is a teacher. It is a nice day. It is raining. I am a student. I am writing a letter. He likes to play soccer. We are going to the store. You are very smart.

How to teach sentence structure to kids?

As a parent, you want to make sure that your children are learning all the right things in life. One way to do this is to help them learn proper sentence structure. Here are 20 example sentences for kids that will help them get started. She is my mother. They are your brother. We played cricket. We eat mango. He is wearing a shirt. She has a cat.