What ASP net object is used to determine browser information?

What ASP net object is used to determine browser information?

Traditional ASP applications used the Browser Capabilities object that resides in the \system32\inetsrv\browscap. dll DLL. This object takes the User Agent string that a browser sends to a website and compares it to a list of simple wildcard expressions in the browscap.

Which object is used for browser detection?

JavaScript has a standard object called navigator that contains data about the browser being used. The navigator object has a lot of properties, but the . userAgent property — a string that contains data about the browser, operating system, and more– is all we’ll need.

How can detect mobile device in asp net?


  1. Detecting Requests from Mobile Browsers in ASP.NET.
  2. -2. Detecting website access through tablets.
  3. -3. detect if request is from mobile.
  4. 1870.
  5. Detect mobile device in ASP.NET Core.
  6. Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice equivalent in ASP.Net Core (2.0)

How do I get User Agent in .NET core?

var userAgent = HttpContext. Request. Headers[“User-Agent”]; var uaParser = Parser. GetDefault(); ClientInfo c = uaParser….

  1. That link is the best answer.
  2. This answer is for .NET Framework, not .NET Core.
  3. I have a web app and about 95% of users send back a user agent.

How do I know if my browser is IE?

To detect whether the current browser is Internet Explorer, you can make use of the navigator. userAgent property. The userAgent property returns the value of the user-agent header sent by the browser to the server. It contains information about the name, version, and platform of the browser.

How do I find browser properties?

  1. Click the gear icon within your IE browser window at the top of the browser window to open a menu that contains settings options.
  2. Click “Internet Options” to access the most commonly changed settings. A window opens up with labeled tabs.
  3. To change your home page, go to the “General” tab.

What is a custom user agent?

Custom UserAgent String is an extension that enables you to easily change your browser’s user-agent by adding site-specific user-agent strings from the Options page.

How do I know if I am using IE or Chrome in Javascript?

To check if browser is Google Chrome: var isChrome = navigator. userAgent. includes(“Chrome”) && navigator.

How do I open browser preferences?

What is ASP NET browser detection?

ASP.NET solves this problem by introducing a more powerful regular expression-based method of determining the browser. Instead of relying on simple wildcard searches, the ASP.NET browser detection uses regular expressions to allow more complex testing and data extraction. An example of the format of the browser-sniffing expressions is given below

How to determine the browser type in ASP NET?

The new method: Determining browser type in ASP.NET. ASP.NET solves this problem by introducing a more powerful regular expression-based method of determining the browser. Instead of relying on simple wildcard searches, the ASP.NET browser detection uses regular expressions to allow more complex testing and data extraction.

What is browser capabilities in ASP NET?

Traditional ASP applications used the Browser Capabilities object that resides in the \\system32\\inetsrv\\browscap.dll DLL. This object takes the User Agent string that a browser sends to a website and compares it to a list of simple wildcard expressions in the browscap.ini file to determine the type of browser currently requesting a page.

How does ASP NET detect user agent?

ASP.NET looks into its cache to see if this user agent is already registered. As this the case, ASP.NET does not need to recompute the browser and can immediately return the result from the cache. This modus operandi seems a priori very powerful because it improves performance.