What country is D on a license plate?

What country is D on a license plate?

Current codes

Code Country From
CZ Czech Republic 1993
D Germany 1910
DJI* Djibouti
DK Denmark 1914

How do you read Irish number plates?

The first character on an Irish plate is just a letter in a sequence, the two following letters denote the origin of where the car was registered. These two characters always feature either an I or a Z to represent Ireland and another letter to denote the county or council issuing them.

How do Russian number plates work?

Standard Russian number plates feature black characters on a white background, and the registration number consists of eight or nine characters. In the first section of the number plate, there is one letter, followed by three numbers and then two more letters. Taken together, the letters together indicate the series.

How Kenyan number plates are numbered?

The current series of vehicle registration plates in Kenya are on a white plate with black lettering and look quite similar to UK suffix style registrations. The format is LLL NNNL, where ‘L’ denotes a letter and ‘N’ denotes a digit. The older series of number plates were black with white or silver lettering.

What does D stand for on number plates?

Number plate codes: international

Number Plate Domain Country
D de Germany
DJI dj Djibouti
DK dk Denmark
DOM do Dominican Republic

What are ZV plates?

“ZV”, which can be selected as an alternative to the current scheme when registering a vehicle older than 30 years for the first time in the Republic of Ireland.

What format are Irish number plates?

The format YY[1 or 2] – County – sequential number will apply to all vehicles registered since 1 January 2013. This applies to vehicles registered either in Ireland or another country. For registration purposes the year is broken into two halves. YY1 applies to vehicles registered between 1 January and 30 June.

What do Russian license plates look like?

The current format uses a letter followed by 3 digits and two more letters. To improve legibility of the numbers for Russian cars abroad, only a small subset of Cyrillic characters that look like Latin characters are used (12 letters: А, В, Е, К, М, Н, О, Р, С, Т, У, Х).

What is red number plate?

Red number plate- The red number plate symbolises that the brand new car has a temporary vehicle registration plate and yet to get a permanent one (issued by the RTO). Temporary vehicle registration comes with 1-month validity. The rules regarding temporary vehicle registration plates differ from one state to another.

When did Kaa number plate start?

Mombasa took the cake for the earliest registration: KAA 00A in 1938. Nairobi came second with KB, followed by Nakuru with KC, Kisumu with KD and Nanyuki with KE.

What does KX mean on number plate?

International Non-governmental organizations have a unique category of number plates numbering written against a red background and start with KX. For instance, KX 05 D 59. KX – denoting international NGO. 05 D – denoting specific NGO and rank of the officer.