What country is Oradea?

What country is Oradea?

Oradea, German Grosswardein, Hungarian Nagyvárad, city, capital of Bihor judeƫ (county), northwestern Romania. It lies about 8 miles (13 km) east of the Hungarian border, along the Crişul Repede River where it leaves the western foothills of the Western Carpathians and flows onto the Hungarian Plain.

What do Germans call the Romanian regional capital Oradea?

Oradea (pronunciation in Romanian: /o’ra. děa/, Hungarian: Nagyvárad, colloquially also Várad, German: Großwardein, former Turkish: Varat, Yiddish: גרויסווארדיין) is the capital city of Bihor County, in Crişana, Romania….Oradea.

Oradea Nagyvárad
Website http://www.oradea.ro/

Who founded Oradea?

King Ladislaus I of Hungary
King Ladislaus I of Hungary founded a bishopric settlement near the city of Oradea, the present Roman Catholic Diocese of Oradea. The city flourished during the 13th century in particular.

What is the language of Oradea?

The official language of the country is Romanian, thus most people will speak Romanian. Oradea is partially bilingual, with some residents speaking both Romanian and Hungarian.

Is Oradea worth visiting?

Oradea is one of the most significant art nouveau cities in Europe and that’s actually one of the main reasons why I’ve decided to visit Oradea. The art nouveau heritage is so big that the city was included in the Art Nouveau European Route, together with cities like Subotica, Riga, Budapest or Tbilisi.

How do I get from Debrecen to Oradea?

The best way to get from Debrecen to Oradea is to bus which takes 1h and costs 1 200 Ft – 1 400 Ft. Alternatively, you can train, which costs 1 800 Ft – 2 200 Ft and takes 2h 59m.

What does Nagyvárad stand for?

A Wikimédia Commons tartalmaz Nagyvárad témájú médiaállományokat. Nagyvárad ( románul Oradea, németül Großwardein, szlovákul Veľký Varadín, latinul Varadinum vagy Magnovaradinum, jiddisül גרויסווארדיין; Groszvardajn) a romániai Bihar megye székhelye, megyei jogú város a Partiumban, a Körösvidéken, a Sebes-Körös partján.

Where is Oradea located?

Oradea, mai demult Oradea Mare, (în maghiară Nagyvárad, în germană Großwardein, în slovacă Veľký Varadín, în latină Magnovaradinum) este municipiul de reședință al județului Bihor, Crișana, România. Se află în vestul României, pe râul Crișul Repede, în imediata apropiere a frontierei cu Ungaria .

Where does the Romanian name Oradea come from?

The Romanian name Oradea originates from the city’s Hungarian name. In Hungarian, it is called Nagyvárad, or colloquially Várad, the latter being the origin of the Romanian name.

What is the history of Nagyváradi Lapok?

A hivatásos nagyváradi újságírás kezdete az 1868 -ban indult Nagyváradi Lapok hoz fűződik. Hügel Ottó adta ki, Sipos Ádám szerkesztésében. 1870-ben megszűnt. Még ebben az évben, július 3-án megjelent a Nagyvárad című napilap első száma. Hügel Ottó ebben is közreműködött, főszerkesztőként.