What does Gertrude do before Kumalo leaves Johannesburg to return to his village?

What does Gertrude do before Kumalo leaves Johannesburg to return to his village?

Gertrude initially freaks out and promises to return to Ndotsheni with Kumalo. She sells all of her possessions and moves to Mrs. Lithebe’s house with her brother to prepare for the move back to her hometown.

Who does Kumalo go to pimville to visit?

Absalom’s girlfriend
Summary — Chapter 16 Kumalo, who has begun to find his way around Johannesburg, goes to Pimville on his own to visit Absalom’s girlfriend. She has not heard the news about Absalom, and when Kumalo tells her, she is devastated.

What shift in his faith does Kumalo experience in this chapter?

Chapter 13: what shift in his faith does Kumalo experience in this chapter? He believed in god in the beginning, but in this chapter he believes in the power of one.

What do Kumalo and the girl agree to do group of answer choices?

To what arrangement do Kumalo and the girl finally agree? Kumalo wanted to know whether the girl was willing to be married and admitted her new life or not, and the girl’s answer was “yes”.

Did Kumalo disowned Gertrude?

Kumalo disowned Gertrude who became a prostitute and liquor seller because she brought shame to the family. Msimagu admired the changes he had noticed about John Kumalo. John Kumalo believes that his life in Ndotsheni is far better than his life in Johannesburg.

How does Kumalo tell Jarvis who he is?

At the end of Chapter 22, there is the first recognition by Kumalo of Jarvis. In the courtroom, Kumalo recognizes Jarvis as the man from his own district, and he trembles in the presence of the man whose son was killed by Absalom.

What is Kumalo’s brother John know for?

John Kumalo is our Kumalo’s little brother. He owns a shop in Johannesburg, but his real pride and joy is his politicking. He gives rousing speeches about taking back what white employers owe to their black employees and seizing a share of South Africa’s profitable mining profits for the black community.

Is Stephen Kumalo white?

A young white man who works at the reformatory and attempts to reform Absalom. Although he does, on one occasion, chastise Kumalo, he does so because he cares much for his pupils, and the thought of Absalom’s predicament pains him.

In what way was Kumalo cruel to the girl?

In what way was Kumalo cruel to the girl carry Absalon’s child. Kumalo is cruel to the girl by when he finds out she has had others before his son that had also been caught he asked her if she was going to take another after his son and if she’s ever had a murder.

Is Msimangu a priest?

Theophilus Msimangu is a priest who lives in Johannesburg in Alan Paton’s book Cry, the Beloved Country Msimangu stands by Kumalo’s side as they search for his son. He stays supporting and helpful most of the time, but he loses his temper as well.