What does it mean to admire a person?

What does it mean to admire a person?

1 : to feel respect and approval for (someone or something) : to regard with admiration They all admired her courage. 2 archaic : to marvel at. intransitive verb. dialect : to like very much …

Whats does admire mean?

verb (used with object), ad·mired, ad·mir·ing. to regard with wonder, pleasure, or approval. to regard with wonder or surprise (usually used ironically or sarcastically): I admire your audacity.

Is admire the same as love?

Admiration is a great respect that we feel for another person. The key difference between love and admiration is that while love focuses on affection, admiration focuses on respect and approval.

What is the synonyms for admire?


How do people become respected?

Here are some tips for earning more respect.Be polite. Always be polite to everyone you meet during the day, from your family members to your co-workers, to the checkout person at the grocery store. Act respectfully. Listen well. Be helpful. Don’t make excuses. Let go of anger. Be willing to change.